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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. I take a dim view of requests to visit somewhere to pay a mooring fee. Why would you bother, especially as they shouldn't be charging the fee anyway? The whole "parishiners" issue I find bizarre. If it's about where you live, then make it about proof of address, don't assume everybody goes to church. If it's about where you go to church (I don't), what's that got to do with anything?
  2. Acle Station is only a short taxi ride from Acle Bridge.
  3. Fascinating page https://www.brundallvillagehistory.org.uk/river-yare.html, thanks for the info, Vaughan.
  4. Very informative, Malcom, thank you. I've no problem paying £20 to moor if it's redeemable.
  5. That's a good point and it's one of the ways and means the BA could charge for unmanned moorings if they felt like it. There's at least two moorings like that on the Thames (Cliveden and Henley) where you're expected to pay online. They could easily employ rangers to travel around by either car or boat and either collect fees or check for unpaid fees.
  6. I'm adding a post script to this tale because something very important happened on our last night at The Lion which I wasn't able to divulge at the time. Cian told me that he identified as female and had begun the transgender process and had chosen a new name - Keira. From that moment, although not yet "out" to the world (she is now and she supports my writing this) she wanted to be known as Keira and for me to use the she/her pronouns. She had been visibly tense and not always quite herself through the week and she now confided this was due to her building up to tonight. She deliberately waited until our final night as she was worried (unnecessarily) that the news would spoil my holiday. Whilst I didn't see this news coming and it came as a bit of a shock, I reassured Keira that I fully supported her decision and I would love her as my child just the same. She was relieved and visibly much more relaxed. Having been coming boating with me since an early age, Keira will once again be accompanying me on 1st April for a week aboard Conway Bridge 1. The trip means a huge amount to both of us because it will be the first time Keira can go boating as her true self. Look out for my holiday tale.
  7. I think "On the Marina" would be more accurate than "On the Yare". I'm pleased to see they're dog friendly though and I hope to give it a try. Are the visitor moorings close to the pub or where the hire base is?
  8. Your question put a funny image in my head of a BA attendant pointing boaters towards the toilets in the car park as the "facilities".
  9. I agree in respect of hirers in that position but many hirers are on a budget so mooring charges make a difference.
  10. I imagine that varies a lot with the weather and tidal conditions.
  11. I was never in doubt that Ranworth Breeze syndicate was very well run under his leadership and I always got the impression he put many hours of work in for the benefit of the owners. The remaining owners no doubt have challenges ahead as he'll be a hard act to follow.
  12. I've no problem at all with paying a mooring fee if it's fully refundable (as per The Ferry) because if I wasn't planning to eat at the pub I wouldn't moor there so it's as good as a free mooring. Not far off, I'd say if it's full both sides and they're not all 46 footers.
  13. Ha ha, still boat shopping, Malcom?
  14. Most of the boats you've mentioned were put up for sale at the end of the 2021 season at which point I was also surprised how many were being retired from the hire fleet. I would have thought they'd all have been sold by now being well over a year later but I can see there are a lot still available on the website.
  15. It all depends on where you want to moor. Assuming you're hiring, you can moor for free in boatyards overnight although just check with them first to make sure you're not in the way of their own returning boats. This comes in really handy at Horning as you have Ferry Marina boatyard and at Wroxham Barnes Brinkcraft usually have space. Richardsons always have space and Herbert Woods are generally OK. You also have Bridgecraft at Acle although there are usually bank moorings there available somewhere. Aside from that if you're happy to eat aboard, wild moorings are fairly plentiful on the Ant and there are a few on the Bure.
  16. Welcome Royston. I too am hiring Royal Velvet 2 this year, in late September. It's a boat I've fancied hiring for a few years - have you hired it before? According to this page http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki2018/index.php?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=2108&BoatHistory=2743 Janet 10 left the Broads some years ago sadly.
  17. I can't think of anywhere else who charges so much except perhaps the Wroxham Hotel? It wouldn't be so bad if they offered a discount on food. I guess they get away of it because of the location. What do you pay overnight at the New Inn and Ferry nowadays?
  18. This is very sad news and quite a shock. I never met Alan in person but exchanged PMs with him about Ranworth Breeze and I always enjoyed his contributions to the forum. He'll be missed around here.
  19. Great write up, David, thanks for sharing.
  20. I'm enjoying this, David, thanks. I've used the moorings by Acle Dyke and they were nice and a little quieter than the main ones. I had no idea Easticks used to be there.
  21. I think the Le Boat 29 is a surprising choice. If it's for hire, they already have several Duets and it's their second lowest price boat so why bother with another one. If it's for sale, I guess it depends how much they paid for it relative to what they think they can sell it for.
  22. Do spring tides Wouldn't spring tides affect clearance at Ludham, Malcom? And what about Wroxham (I know Chris's boat doesn't do Wroxham anyway)?
  23. Mmm, thanks for the photo, Howard but I'm thinking "makeover" might be too strong a word. Yes, the "R" is there on the hull and I know from your previous photo the silver (not very readable) lettering is now on the stern but in terms of the blue stripes it's as you were. I stuck with my booking for the summer because it made financial sense and I've been happy with Richardsons in the past but it's going to feel very strange.
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