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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. That's the most hideous looking boat I've ever seen! I thought they all went to Herbert Woods when they bought them around 2012 except for the one Richardsons had.
  2. I agree but the original post wasn't talking about that.
  3. I don't understand why being on a webcam is an invasion of privacy. We spend our lives being caught on camera, be they webcams, security cameras, somebody's phone or whatever. If you don't want to be on camera, stay at home. A riverside garden is in public view.
  4. It's fascinating to look at a boat like the Roach class and see how much customer expectations have changed since it was on hire. There was minimal living space, no shower, a combined saloon/sleeping cabin and no fridge. From the plan, it looks like the boat was so small the "galley" (what there was of it) was out in the cockpit. Was that the case?
  5. Thank you for writing Malcom, you've captured your trip beautifully in your usual well written style. Previously I've wished I'd been able to have a trip this year before lock down but the emotions you went through have made me question that.
  6. I can't see how they can offer that until they know what the next rule change will be. It would be virtually impossible to police whether all the occupants were from the same household.
  7. Great start Malcom and stunning Oulton Broad photos.
  8. Yes indeed, Sweet Freedom is ex- Aston Broadsword and Rambling Freedom is ex-Aston Humber.
  9. I disagree completely with that. If you're talking about perspective, we should keep in mind about what a dangerous, indiscriminate disease it is and how many people are dying every single day. Not everyone who dies is elderly and not everyone who dies has a pre-existing condition.
  10. It might sound obvious but how much I'm missing boating. I've got used to my first hire of the year being in the spring. To have to postpone my April trip has hurt. Despite that though, I'm very grateful to be well and to be lucky enough to work from home.
  11. You're correct. I hired it last year and it has a lovely classic feel about it. In my childhood I holidayed with my parents on Aston Goblin which had the same layout.
  12. Was that the boatyard known as Neatishead boatyard that had Ocean 30s? I'm trying to visualise where exactly it was - looking at the original photo was the bridge behind you and to the left?
  13. Definitely Langley Dyke but I'm stumped by the second one. I don't think it is Fleet Dyke but I could be wrong.
  14. JM you couldn't be more wrong. There was nothing whatsoever in the message tonight that communicated that, not even the "sports activities" part.
  15. There were aspects of the message which were ambiguous, not least the wording (or lack if it) around travel. The park bench thing is plain loopy in my mind because inevitably if you sit on a bench you'll touch it and hence risk transferring the virus. The same goes for sending people to work - yes you can stay 2 metres apart whilst you're working but how do you avoid touching surfaces in the toilets or drinks area? I'm glad I live in Wales where "Stay at home" remains and the rules have been changed less.
  16. I agree with Marshman, Vaughan and anyone else who'd said keep this thread to Broads-related issues please. This is a Broads forum after all but sometimes I question that given the huge volume of content that's nothing to do with Broads or boating.
  17. Ah, Blakes holidays, I remember them. I believe Sandersons were the last hire operator to have the Blakes flag on their boats but no longer since they dropped out of Hoseasons. Those flags are an important reminder of Broads history.
  18. Thanks for a very well written review and photos. One thing that's always put me off the design is the enclosed nature of the helm position and lack of sunroof. This contrasts with many older sedans where large sun roofs were the norm. Did you find that a disadvantage?
  19. I'll second that, Aweigh works really well.
  20. I get that Helen. I've always loved mudweighting but I've never done so for the night because I've been unduly anxious about being safe. I was about to pluck up the courage to do it I felt when our dog Rollie came in to our lives and that was that.
  21. The lock down has never impacted online shopping and still doesn't.
  22. What a fascinating photo. The sheds have a modern look about them which belies how old the photo is.
  23. Absolutely stunning photo. I would choose somewhere similar being a Broads waterside location with a mooring at the bottom of the garden.
  24. Some great suggestions so far. My idea was to choose somewhere personal that's not on the popular list of places but I think it's quite difficult to do that because wherever you choose chances are plenty of others will like it also.
  25. Great shout Roy. I've only spent the night there once and it was very different from the busy choice of Wroxham moorings. Alas I'm guessing it'll no longer be an option with the hire operation ended.
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