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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. No one smokes inboard on ‘B.A’ or any of the Jewels we hire either. I’m ashamedly still a smoker and hate mysen for it Griff
  2. Sorted. Good as new or it will be after some minor gel coat repairs Griff
  3. I was here when this happened. Heard s crash looked round to see it coming to rest. Rang Clive immediately and sent him some photos. It’ll all be sorted tomorrow. Took ‘B.A out to Barton yesterday about 1600, wind was very much reduced. Today lots of rain but no wind - apart from the sprouts I had yesterday Griff
  4. I once not too long ago, probably last year, entered the Ant got round three bends and met Albion under sail coming down river, she had her sail out good n proper too. Knowing as we all do that power gives way to sail and also knowing that due defference is in order where Albion is concerned the order was given by myselt to myself - 'About turn' Only that would have been kinda awkward in the narrow confines of the Ant with the Albion bearing down on us. We could have passed but it would have been wherry tight. Only one thing for it. Astern we went all the way back out onto the Bure. Safest and easiest way to give her a trouble free passage. Now that is what's called 'Giving way to sail' Griff
  5. Testiculate, to wave ones hands around whilst talking boll0x Like it, not heard that one before now Griff
  6. The lady was reduced to tears etc by the mere sight of a sex toy? Really - What a total snowflake. My guess is she was laying it on thick to get her advirsary found gulity Griff
  7. So there I am updating mine and MrsG's social diary as one does, at least twice a week nowadays (We seem to be in ever increasing demand of late). We have been patiently waiting on dates from friends of ours giving us dates they are available so we can book a four day weekend afloat onboard 'B.A' with them. The long awaited dates arrived earlier this evening at last. The Issue there is that as we complete the weekend afloat on the Sunday and therefore due to drive home, just three days later me and MrsG are booked onboard 'B.A' again to commence time afloat taking in the Harvest Moon weekend and the wooden boat show at Beccles. MrsG asks me, 'Why don't we just stop down there onboard? Seems daft coming home for just three days' Hmmmm, just give me a nanosecond to contemplate that one and come up with a suitable huge YES Griff
  8. Thanks for the recomend peeps. Watched it last night. Very educating Griff
  9. And if vessels A and B are first time hirers, and are completely unaware of any "collision regs", "rights of way", "stand ons", "stand offs", "port", "starboard"? . Just give way, and relax. Life's too short! Which imho is hitting the nail firmly on the head or 'That's the way to do it' (Punch and Judy) Griff
  10. Effectively, both boats were altering their course at a junction, so there was no stand on vessel - Yes there was - Minor river joining a major river - How about both boats giving 2 short blasts on the horn? "I intend altering my course to port". Sound signal are all very well - I do use them myself, but how many others do? Besides giving sound signals does not then give one the right of way. Some car drivers think it does, on the rare occasion that BMW's and Audi's use their indicators, it is not to tell other road users which way they are going, nope it is a directive to others that they now have right of way as they have indicated Griff
  11. It's quite simple. Vessel A is the stand on vessel and has right of way. Vessel B should give way. However this only applies if both skippers of Vessel A and B know the 'Rules of the Road' as it is stupidly officially (Imho) called. The confusion arises when neither skippers know the correct rules - This is a simple one to sort out, both skippers exercise caution and make every attempt to avoid a collision Worse - One skipper knows the 'Rules of the Road' and t'other one doesn't. The 'Know it all' Skipper should assume that the 'Tother one does not know and again both exercise caution and make every attempt to avoid a collision. When the RN navigational instructors sat me down in a class room, they always stated that the stand fast rule was to obey the 'Rules of the Road' when two vessels meet - Exercising gentlemanly conduct and giving way when you should not be doing so causes confusion - However that is out at sea with the big boys and the 'Should be' professionals play. The only time one should give way when you have right of way is if you have clearly communicated with the other vessel before any change of course is made Go on the David, just out of intereest Who did the shouting / Hand waving then? Vessel A as he quite rightly had right of way and was educating vessel B. Or was it Vessel B as he wrongly thought it was his right of way (Give way to Stbd but only with a certain vector) It's all good fun here on our Broads. Normally when I have to take avoiding action due to skippers getting it wrong - I just smile to mysen and enjoy it, no harm done. Although once coming out of Wroxham down river I did get quite irate with a skipper and had to go full astern plus a lot of helm to avoid a collision - He even received a blast from 'B.A's horns. It was a real close shave. What did I receive back? the 'Victory V' sign - Very brave of him. Yes, it was a private boat too Griff
  12. Robin, I have a 12v hand held pump that's designed to shift oil with small dia flexi tubes that can remove oil from the gearboxes and the like. Remind me to bring it with me on Thursday too - You can then remove as much oil as you want from the gearboxes, run them up to temp and check the levels Griff
  13. That diagram that Islander kindly provided is exactly how I plumbed up 'B.A' from a blank canvass during her restoration except I didn't put in an expansion tank in the system, instead I rely on an auto safety valve on the calorifier with a short hose on it leading to the bilge. Now and again I operate the valve by hand to make sure it is working and not seized up. Robin, I have here at home a decent sized accumulator tank going for free, just needs a new bladder in it. You want it for Indy? If so I'll bring it down with me this Thursday, It's a Vetus unit and was the first one I fitted to 'B.A' I would have replaced the bladder but was stuck for time with the ordering the replacement bladder and was able to pick up a larger accumulator from Nearest and Dearest over the counter with a huge discount that made it cheaper than a replacement bladder. The Vetus unit has the capability of mounting the FW pump on top of the tank Griff
  14. The ones I changed last year seem to have survived Ref turning off the isolation valve - Erm, What can I say? Griff
  15. So how's the river ice situation doing? Especially regarding Richo's? I see from today the wx temps are due to be climbing and staying above freezing for a fair while. Assuming Richo's dyke is currently frozen over, do we think it might be clear come next weekend? Griff
  16. The lump of Oak has been conditioning for over a week now in our lounge. So, today on completion of my fortnightly infuriatingly annoying pastime this forenoon (Clay shooting) I took said rough sawn lump of Oak round to the Wizards. Ran it through his planer a few times, squared ends and cut to length. It is now back on the deck in our lounge. No more can I proceed until MrsG has provided me with a picture of what she wants it to look like with regards to medium working. She did however comment that it looked much better now it has been planed off. Good News - I'm outa the dog house once more Griff
  17. So the Mast MkII, The design is done. Pete the Wizard has in my absence has been having a sneaky hour or so on his own in his workshop without me. He has planed down what will be the centre spine of the mast, realising that the teak planks I had provided were not long enough he has grooved / splined and fastened two bits together making it over length ready for the next round. I could not see the join at first - Well chuffed. The design may not come out very well on the photo's as the pencil lines are not that dark / thick but you get the gist, Griff
  18. If only Robin could get Indy up the Thurne to Potter, then there would be a fair chance he could go through PHB! Griff
  19. Looking awesome! Isn't she just All the best with the interviews. Ditto Griff
  20. Belgian fart Bombs = Sprouts then! Griff
  21. Word of advice - Do NOT feed any canine Belgium fart bombs ! Griff
  22. If those companies only knew you like I do they would . . . . . . . employ you immediately eh? Want a reference? - Er no better not, Finger crossed here all the same New wheelhouse deck boards eh? - Snap, planned in for us to sort out this coming April but not wishing to derail this thread I'll expand more on this later on t'other never ending project thread Griff
  23. So, you think you need to apologise for using the word 'fart' do you? Have you seen the Jokes section? or some of the posts that our more shall I say 'Cheeky' members put up for general consumption? (No names mentioned but they / we are in the majority I would ascertain) We are generally a thick skinned bunch in here so you 'fart' away (In the written sense you understand) as much as you feel the need Griff
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