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On The Water From 22nd Apr. Questions!


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Finally nearly time for our spring escape! We are hiring Concerto from Richardsons, pickup is Friday and we have a loose itinerary

Friday White Horse Neatishead (moor at the village staithe)

Saturday St Bennetts for the day, then head to the Lion at Thurne for an evenings music

Sunday either Coltishall (Recruiting Sgt, not been there yet), or overnight at St Bennetts

Monday probably Wroxham and get the train to Norwich to meet up with friends.

Tuesday - Friday, havent a clue!!


Couple of questions, 

The other half would really like to see an otter, any pointers of where to head that might have a better than average chance. I have seen them from the board walk on Barton Broad.

I have read that the stretch of river up to Horstead Mill has been dredged, I have canoed it but have not taken a boat up there, good idea or bad idea? We would like to overnight up there if possible.





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There are otters in lots of places... seeing them is another thing altogether, but it is becoming much more common.

We have seen one around Oby Dyke on the Bure; also one at Barton Turf. Have also seen one at Cockshoot.

I have it on good authority that there are some at Potter Heigham, the bungalows below the bridge, but I haven't seen them.

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There are two pairs of Otter either side of Wayford Bridge which I think must mark the divide in their territory. I grabbed some film footage last month when I had popped for a smoke before breakfast and the upstream pair were hunting and playing by the houseboats.

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From the BA website, notes on the upper Bure:

'A little further on is Coltishall Common with plenty of mooring. You can continue to Horstead Lock where informal moorings and a turning area before the lock gates can be found. Please note that the river to the lock is very narrow and care should be taken. There are also areas of natural sand and gravel river bed which at some states of tide are shallower than the stated 1.5 m Waterways Specification navigable depth for this reach. As these features are part of the natural river form, capital dredging to remove these features is not part of the current Sediment Management Strategy. The left fork to the Horstead Mill pond is shallow and not suitable for motor craft.'

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Hi, don't know if you can get above PH bridge,but last year we saw otters twice .Once was at the end of the 24 hour moorings just upstream of the new bridge, the other was by the reeds just upstream of the Horsey turn heading towards Hickling.

Enjoy your trip.


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Thanks for the otter info, will have a good look on the map and figure out where we can get to. Airdraft on the boat is 7ft so doubt we can get it above Potter, but I can take the canoe up there, or just go for a walk with the camera. 

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As has been said, otters can crop up in many places, its just a case of keeping an eye out for them.

The Recruiting Sergeant is well known for its food and the beer is usually good too with quite a good range kept. Another option if you don't fancy going up to the Lock is to moor at Coltishall Common and walk or get a cab. I can walk to the RS in about 15 - 20 minutes quite easily although its not a walk for anyone with limited mobility. If going after dark a torch is useful particularly for the stretch between the moorings (Kings Head) and the Red Lion.


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Yes, Fleet Dyke, we watched otter there. Last year, with people about, a large dog otter calmly strolled across the next mooring to us and across the road as a short cut from one dyke to another. It was about lunchtime, we were astounded!

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Otter spotted this morning, swimming across the Thurne in front of me, between Thurne Dyke and Thurne Mouth, just after the last bungalow on the right as you head downriver.  I've seen one in this general area several times, and also in the area of Boundary Farm (just below Thurne Mouth, on the Bure).


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