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Cathedral Peregrines


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8 hours ago, riyadhcrew said:

Just been watching the camera during a feeding session, but cannot be sure if there is 3 or 4 chicks. Nice to watch though.

Hi Eric,

It may have been 4 chicks when you were watching, EDP24 repaorted that the fourth egg hatched overnight.





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Took a look at Norwich and at Bath. Could see the chicks clearly in both nests. They are definitely starting to grow. The ones at Bath are starting to look more grey and less white.

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Hello All,

 For the first time, l managed to catch one of the parents feeding the young about an hour ago. Couldn't see what was for dinner, but by the colour of the feathers, it looked like a poor wood pigeon. Not sure, but is one of the chicks looking a bit smaller than the rest? lt wasn't really getting a look-in, and was on the outside. Watching intently to see how many times it received food,  the chick next to it suddenly took a morsel from the parent and had to look skywards to swallow. . . .a complete foot! A couple of gulps and it was gone!  

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It would seem that there is a serious issue at the Norwich site. A female from Bath, born 2013 is on the scene and has proved to be a threat to the mother. The male is the only bird bringing food at the moment. It is unlikely that he will be able to cope. Interference by the trust is not an option.



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