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Foraging Recipes

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2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Be fair Poppy, not everybody knows what an 'Innuendo' is.

If anybody is in doubt, ask me and I'll give you one

We are so lucky to have such wonderful Innuendo members like MM.:bow :clap

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Joking aside, this is actually a good thread.  Afew years back, we hired Grosvenor Girl from Summercraft and went up to Dilham. It was in September, so the blackberries were out, and anybody that goes to Dilham in September should vouch for the millions of blackberries alongside Dilham dyke, for a few hundred yards before the staithe. They were on the North bank away from the bungalows, so there was`nt much opportunity to pick them.......... unless you were on a boat. Either the year before, or the year after, Karen and i were on Swallow, and stopped at Sutton, then Dilham the following day. At Sutton, on a peice of public green, there was an apple tree full of ripe apples, again it was september, so we picked some, and when we got to Dilham, we picked some blackberries. We walked up to the little village shop in Smallborough, which i think is now long gone, and bought a packet of puff pastry, and made a blackberry and apple pie. We ate it for  desert for the rest of the week.

So, following on from the original OPs thread, Norfolk has an abundance of wild produce to live on, providing you know it`s safe to eat.

As for inuendo, i`m in the middle of writing a thread in the holiday tales section. i can`t write any more for a couple of days, as i`m a bit tied up?..................... I`l get me coat.

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They are early!! Not got any on our hedges yet.

If your really interested though, this site has some unusual recipes!


And some cook books you can buy!!

I tried one of the coconut & Cocoa bars made with cricket powder - it was OK and no idea what a cricket tastes like anyway so couldn't say if it did or didn't taste like them. A bit expensive (but I got a freebie) so cant see it taking off other than novelty factor at those prices.

Anyone up for a little grub (nice little pun there)?

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