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Keeping Warm At Night


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I'm going to the Caribbean!!!

Going to bed in more clothes than I wear during the day really isn't doing it for me!!! The Ebby simply stays on with the stat (that works) turned down a bit. A bummer if we have guests in the rear cabin as it's right above one of the bunks so sounds like Chinese water torture!!!

Cheshires wood burner is definitely the dogs bits.

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19 minutes ago, Jim said:

Electric Overblanket!  Leave on all night and no worries. Best thing we ever bought from good old Roys.

Great item......but.... do you have it serviced/checked out before using each winter, or replace with another new one ?


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Bought in Feb 2010 and not used too much.  We just pack it away carefully so apart from a visual check, not serviced at all.  Valid points made by other members re airing etc all help too.  It wasn't expensive so replacing would not be an issue.

These days, we book a local holiday let instead rather than rough it out on the mooring....we are getting on a bit at 60 and 57!  

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19 minutes ago, Jim said:

These days, we book a local holiday let instead rather than rough it out on the mooring....we are getting on a bit at 60 and 57!  

Oh still youngsters then! :naughty: I only mentioned, as many years ago my old boss was a Dreamland agent, and I did exactly what I suggested to many. A few had to have new switches fitted, any sign of fraying, then it was a bin job.


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We stayed on the boat last night and due to the Wabasto deciding to give up and not play ball we had no heating. Even with two fluffy Bichon's taking refuge under the duvet it was bloody cold.  This morning we had some ice on the deck and I don't think the temperature got above 6 degrees all day.


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1 hour ago, BroadScot said:

Oh still youngsters then! :naughty: I only mentioned, as many years ago my old boss was a Dreamland agent, and I did exactly what I suggested to many. A few had to have new switches fitted, any sign of fraying, then it was a bin job.


Dreamland??  A big blast from the old days there Iain. My mum bought us Dreamland leccy blankies when I was 7, some 53 yrs ago lol

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through all the years living aboard and using different types of heating, nothing beat a log burner.

we tried a dutch diesel  drip stove ... it need de waxing in the winter when it got cold even when we added

kerosene to the diesel to stop it waxing up and I find diesel nasty stuff to have to get close to.

we tried blown hot air and it dried my sinus and it just dident feel nice.

we tried a calor gas fire and it caused condensation.

I found coal to be dirty and the dust got every where.

coalite was ok but the fumes are poisonous and so not nice for the neighbours.

a wood burner for me every time.

I ran 3 radiators and hot water from mine with no pump needed with a self circulating system.

the ash takes ages to need emptying and an ash bed is good for a fire.

it smokes for a while on start up but soon settles and the smoke smells great to me.

when I got used to the drafting I could get it to run 20hrs without going out if needed.

my guinea pig also loved it.

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Talking of being cold.  I am sat in t office in my dressing gown, it's 0650 and I'm of course toasty.    I am glancing at my CCTV monitor, 4 x cameras outside the Griffin Hovel - all showing snow falling, the glass conservatory roof now has a dusting as does my van.  My job for the rest of this week is in an unoccupied dwelling, no lighting, no heating.  I shall be layered up and take my trusty 2kw fan heater, just to stop my hands going numb from working with large format porcelain tiles.  Joy and Glee


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I hope both Joy and Glee enjoy their new home.

Oh FNAR FNAR,     'Ping' - There goes another rib  rofl

I'll have you know there are far more than just 'Joy and Glee'.  These tiles are 800 x 800mm, polished porcelain with rectified edges, proper awkward to work with.  I have 31 x m2 to put down (Now I have finished installing the insulation / underfloor heating cables / Flexi level compound) that means fifty tiles minimum plus cut and wastage tiles. :shocked






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Brilliant is out for the winter, but Spring can be chilly, as was our last night aboard on Oct 30th.

I go for layering too, duvets and cheap and cheerful fleeces from Roys, which are great value. If really cold, I put a fleece under the duvet as well as on top. Socks help I find.

The bunks are fabric rather than the dreaded leatherette so they can be quite warm otherwise I'd go with Tim's excellent advice.

We close off the forecabin with a curtain and rig one at the main hatch which really helps. 

We also use a small infra-red heater when awake, never leave it on.

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