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A Day Spent Painting

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12 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I spent much of the day painting the bathroom.Now enjoying a few beers.Getting ready to go up on the boat next weekend.



Aha....is this a volunteer I see...a 'dedicated' volunteer already in training for painting and varnishing duties? 

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Well now isn't this a novelty? a bank holiday that isn't 'accompanied by howling wind and cold rain? Whatever next? I'm getting a bit too long in the tooth to cope with shocks like this! Certainly not a weekend to waste on painting a bathroom! That is really looking a gift horse in  the mouth.




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30th Sep for us.  

I've got lots more painting to do though.

Sixteen spikes and 20 2.4 meter decking boards.  We're replacing the raised beds using decking boards rather than railway sleepers.


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