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Windows And Birds.


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Something strange is happening here at home. We used to get the occasional bird fly into our windows usually killing it. Recently it's becoming more frequent (three yesterday) I have no idea why the frequency is increasing.

The other weird and very sad thing is that the birds that are common in the garden don't seem to be the normal victims, it seems to attract the rarer birds. Yesterday all three were thrushes (one survived and after about half an hour flew off. The other two were killed on impact) A couple of weeks ago we had a Greater spotted Woodpecker.

Can anyone give us a clue as to why this is happening?

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We have about two bird strikes a month. Under certain light conditions they see a reflection of the garden in the window as a place to fly too. Normally patio doors. 

My wife gets upset by it. I told her that my cleaning of the windows regularly is the cause.

I no longer have to clean the windows regularly.

A result all round.

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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

Something strange is happening here at home. We used to get the occasional bird fly into our windows usually killing it. Recently it's becoming more frequent (three yesterday) I have no idea why the frequency is increasing.

The other weird and very sad thing is that the birds that are common in the garden don't seem to be the normal victims, it seems to attract the rarer birds. Yesterday all three were thrushes (one survived and after about half an hour flew off. The other two were killed on impact) A couple of weeks ago we had a Greater spotted Woodpecker.

Can anyone give us a clue as to why this is happening?

It's their attraction to fish and chip biofuel , drives them mad :default_biggrin:

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I get it normally in the conservatory, I think they see right through it. When we have noticed a rise in incident it is usually a sign that the Sparrow Hawk is hunting in and causing panic in the garden.

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We have had lots of incidences of birds flying into our half glazed back door judging from the perfect impression left behind on the glass, the culprits are usually collared doves. Thus far we've had no casualties and no incidents recently It usually occurs during theSpring/early Summer. I've always assumed they are seeing their own reflection and flying at what they see as a rival Bird invading their territory.




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It's very common down my way (Chelmsford) my chair is next to the patio doors and it almost scares the insides out of me (if you catch my drift)

on average I'd say two a month, but have had three in a week before ! !

ive seen Hitchcocks The Birds I know what the little feathered things are planning, I just wish there were still telephone boxes to hide in 

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