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What Yards Are Happy To Hire To One Person ?


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Good question Snowy. Yes, as others have said, Richardsons are fine with it and I've hired single-handed from them on 3 occasions. I also hired single handed from Freedom in 2012 when they were still at Horning. 

Herbert Woods are the opposite unfortunately. I rechecked with them earlier this year when I visited and it was a definite no. What their reasoning is, I don't know, it makes no sense to me. 

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  • 5 years later...

Hello, I noticed these posts are 6 years old so the insurance situation may have changed for singles hiring.  
I am seeking to hire a little boat for just myself and 2 dogs. Richardsons don’t, nor Hoseasons nor Leboat.

I am struggling to find anywhere on the internet that does boat hiring to single people. Any luck anyone? 

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Hi JudyC,

I believe you need to approach the boatyards direct rather than via Hoseasons. As you say Richardsons no longer allow solo cruising. Whilst I cannot guarantee this for 2023, Barnes Brinkcraft, Bridgecraft, Pacific Cruisers and Martham boats are all worth a try and I believe have hired to solo parties in the recent past, not sure about Ferry Marina. Please bear in mind they may have certain stipulations, size of the boat, previous experience, previous hirer etc however no harm in asking.


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