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Is This The Smartest Boat On The Broads!


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7 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

It looks better now! The blue paint on the wafer-board is a distinct improvement, don't you think?

It's certainly progress :default_blink:

Im very much in the live and let live camp, but how does that boat manage to be allowed to stay on the river?  It can't be safe surely?   I'm assuming there are rules? 

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I'm amazed they are still afloat , as for the state of the bank that doesn't surprise me at all , as much as I agree in live n let live there is a limit , no one has the right to clutter up land that's not there's  , as for tolls n BSS to be tolled you need a BSS so its a safe bet I think .

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There are all sorts of people, and for all sorts of reasons who choose this as a way of living and I appreciate their circumstances may mean this is all they can afford and might be the difference between a safe and sheltered bed or a doorway in a high street. But what I don't understand is the lack of pride.

It is not about spending out for expensive items, new fenders, re-painting etc it is about getting some cheap and simple cleaning supplies from Poundland and washing down the boat. Maybe that is just me, but I'd want to make what I had at least clean, tidy and the best I could make it.

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50 minutes ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

It’s a work of Art....  should be in the Tate modern gallery.... so more people can view it and fall about laughing at it.... :default_rofl::default_rofl::default_party0001::default_rofl:


Surprised you ain't seen it its been around at least 2 yrs now , the blue isn't paint its if I remember correctly plastic sheet screwed on , how the heck sterling board has stood up to weather is beyond me normally it devolves at the sight of a rain cloud .

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1 hour ago, Ricardo said:

Surprised you ain't seen it its been around at least 2 yrs now , the blue isn't paint its if I remember correctly plastic sheet screwed on , how the heck sterling board has stood up to weather is beyond me normally it devolves at the sight of a rain cloud .

I spotted it last year and laughed..... this year I saw it again...and laughed even more...  Didn’t he use to own this....he he he


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1 minute ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

I spotted it last year and laughed..... this year I saw it again...and laughed even more...  Didn’t he use to own this....he he he


Window wise probably but the boat was initially quite tidy and had a red canopy , I'm fully aware of where the what ever you could call it structure was created and by who , none of which had any knowledge of what they were doing , incidentally the said canopy was in fine health no Rios or any damage what so ever , so your guess is as good as mine as in dumping something that worked for something much worse .

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1 hour ago, NorfolkNog said:

.......there you go, this was in Norwich a couple of years ago.

lotto boat.JPG

Not been on the yare for basically 2 yrs trust me I do know , and yes it was at that location right up till they started the new complex of flats .

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