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Pul-syn-etic Impulse Clock


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I have just become the proud owner of the above clock.  The clock was used in the factory at Moore’s in Wroxham for a variety of uses including operating the black out shutters, I’m guessing that it runs off some sort of electrical power source but information is somewhat confusing.  Has anyone seen or had dealings with this type of clock as I would love to get it working again.



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23 minutes ago, brundallNavy said:

I have just become the proud owner of the above clock.  The clock was used in the factory at Moore’s in Wroxham for a variety of uses including operating the black out shutters, I’m guessing that it runs off some sort of electrical power source but information is somewhat confusing.  Has anyone seen or had dealings with this type of clock as I would love to get it working again.



If the seals are unbroken, maybe it is still under guarantee??

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1 hour ago, grendel said:

looks like you have a programmer - activated by the master clock, this can for example ring a school bell at set times. now all you need is a master clock to run it.

bottom of this page http://www.electrokinetica.org/d2/4/index.php

That’s interesting, I’m led to believe that this was a stand alone item which did control the clocking in machine break time bells and also the blackout shutters, I think I might have to do a bit more investigation into whether this is true.

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3 hours ago, grendel said:

have you looked here - http://pulsynetic.eu/

that looks exactly like the clock in the circuit on the label, 

I have impulse clocks in some of the modern schools we look after, today we had one where all the clocks showed 12 o clock....some one had turned the master clock off, we turned it back on and hey presto, all the clocks motored to the correct time!....,works via a radio signal .

bit of a coincidence, this should come up on the same day!:1300_clap_tone1:

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11 hours ago, brundallNavy said:

Yes but my clock doesn’t appear on the web site, I have managed to find one on google but doesn’t give much info.

Even if I get it working I still need to work out how to adjust it.

Looks like the C69 programmer without the casing from the other devices page on the site


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