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What Do We Want At Acle Bridge?


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Whats wrong with the present building ? its part of broads history, why not spend a fraction of the budget on making it fit for use (whatever that may be) and let it to somebody that will create a viable broads friendly business, at a modest workable rent.

I live and work in the Peak District, and have had many dealings with the present authority on planning decisions , not a chance in hell would they lose a  building that is part of our history and culture.

It is, as it stands a landmark building!

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16 minutes ago, vanessan said:

Minifer - see my post above!

I did see it :)  I've spent a long time studying the history, archaeology, flora and fauna of the Broads and also their boats- pretty much every tome going as they have been published as well as buying up a good back catalogue of historical ones.  Currently wading through Emma Turner's book "Broadland Birds" published in 1924.  She was a naturalist who lived on a houseboat on Hickling Broad and was one of the first few people to shoot wildlife with a camera, not a gun to use as evidence.  She was quite the eccentric and had lots of help from the local landowners and gamekeepers.  I think I am a bit obsessed!

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1 minute ago, Minifer said:

I did see it :)  I've spent a long time studying the history, archaeology, flora and fauna of the Broads and also their boats- pretty much every tome going as they have been published as well as buying up a good back catalogue of historical ones.  Currently wading through Emma Turner's book "Broadland Birds" published in 1924.  She was a naturalist who lived on a houseboat on Hickling Broad and was one of the first few people to shoot wildlife with a camera, not a gun to use as evidence.  She was quite the eccentric and had lots of help from the local landowners and gamekeepers.  I think I am a bit obsessed!

My apologies Minifer, I noted you mentioned the medieval peat diggings so thought maybe you missed my bit about the Romans who started it all!

The history of the Broads is fascinating and Timbo’s post is brilliant. The question is now, where do we go from here? There is no doubt that this forum has many, many members interested in this topic. It is a great shame that JP doesn’t involve himself with this forum; would other members want that?

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7 minutes ago, vanessan said:

My apologies Minifer, I noted you mentioned the medieval peat diggings so thought maybe you missed my bit about the Romans who started it all!

The history of the Broads is fascinating and Timbo’s post is brilliant. The question is now, where do we go from here? There is no doubt that this forum has many, many members interested in this topic. It is a great shame that JP doesn’t involve himself with this forum; would other members want that?

What have the Roman's ever done for us?

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16 minutes ago, vanessan said:

My apologies Minifer, I noted you mentioned the medieval peat diggings so thought maybe you missed my bit about the Romans who started it all!



I did not miss it, I was saying the current theory is they are all medieval, not Roman.  Bear in mind the giant estuary that existed then, sea levels were higher, the land was wet swamp.


As for the rest moving on, I guess we all have our opinions, we are all diverse.  You can't please them all. 

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What have the Romans ever done for us,

Sorry,  I had to do it. :default_biggrin:

All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?

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14 minutes ago, JohnK said:


Absolutely. Sadly he’d be made to feel less welcome than Mel Holland was!


That’s a very sad prophecy. And now I don’t know what to add to that as I know that with the best will in the world there will always be someone who throws a spanner in the works!!


3 minutes ago, Minifer said:

I did not miss it, I was saying the current theory is they are all medieval, not Roman.  Bear in mind the giant estuary that existed then, sea levels were higher, the land was wet swamp.



And all contained in Pete Goodrum’s book which was written in 2014. 

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3 minutes ago, JohnK said:


Absolutely. Sadly he’d be made to feel less welcome than Mel Holland was!


A very good thought and I'm trying to think of a way in which discussion with JP (or a senior officer of BA) and this forum could happen. I'm not sure about being made to feel unwelcome, but I can see how it could far too easily become an unreasonable drain on JP's time responding to, what  would almost certainly be be hundreds of posts.

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9 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

What have the Romans ever done for us,

Sorry,  I had to do it. :default_biggrin:

All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?

The forum censor would forbid me to post the response to that.

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JP goes on the other place. I doubt if he sees a need to come here.

If you cannot understand why then I think you need to look back a bit.

No one, even the Head of an Unelected Quango likes personal abuse.

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Sadly Batrabill, I can't argue with that post as much as I'd love to.

However, I have little or no doubt that he, or someone else in the BA reads this forum as part of their job

2 minutes ago, Bound2Please said:

Straight roads from A to B

Proof if any were needed that the Roman formed the B roads.


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5 minutes ago, batrabill said:

JP goes on the other place. I doubt if he sees a need to come here.

If you cannot understand why then I think you need to look back a bit.

No one, even the Head of an Unelected Quango likes personal abuse.

The other place, as you call it, seems very quiet and not interested in much at present. Our moderators are much more on the ball and I think would very quickly put a stop to any shenanigans. I know I said someone would be bound to throw a spanner in the works but I sincerely hope that could be avoided. 

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4 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Sadly Batrabill, I can't argue with that post as much as I'd love to.

However, I have little or no doubt that he, or someone else in the BA reads this forum as part of their job

Proof if any were needed that the Roman formed the B roads.


Did the post vanish?

Maybe JP has infinite powers?

The post has come back on my laptop now?????

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Just now, batrabill said:

The moderators are very on the ball, as my thoughts have evaporated!


No I think it the infinite powers of JP

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1 minute ago, batrabill said:

Struggling to see why..

The comments about JP are relentlessly personal - something I find really distasteful.

I agree, comments should never cross that line and become personal, well unless they are good.

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