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Soon To Be Back!


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I've not posted for a bit, but we will be back on the broads 2 weeks today (after a week in Cornwall to totally chill me out)

I tend not to post when I'm too far a away from my holidays and it makes me green with envy!

We are with Pacific Cruisers again, and again on Pacific Dawn, whilst I've never hired from anyone that wasn't very helpful and polite (mind you Alphacraft whilst being very nice were a bit odd ) Richard and Fiona take it to another level, nothing's too much trouble!

Anyway, maybe someone can help me with a bit of info

For the first time we plan to go down to Geldeston Locks, now Dawn has a airdraft of 6'7'' with everything down, how quickly does the river rise and fall at Beckles? Leaving me a little wriggle room (literately) would I be safe in assuming I should be safe an hour before / after high water?

Is there anywhere where you can book a mooring on the southern broads within a couple of hours of Yarmouth? I read somewhere that the Lord Nelson books its moorings? is that right? I thought they were all BA! Does The Bell St Olaves book moorings?

Just one thing I have to be near a pub/restaurant in the evening, if I'm not allowed to spend at least £50 in a broads boozer I'm likely to melt!  ;-) I pull a dinghy everywhere for that reason

We are also heading up the Ant towards Stalham as I haven't been past Barton Broad for a few years, I know the answer would be to ring them, but are Richardsons ok with mooring on a Tuesday? the line trotted out seems to be avoid changeover days, but Richardson seem to just about changeover everyday apart from a Sunday these days!

Anyway, any info would be most welcome

The last time I posted on here was this time last year when we were about to on holiday, we had just lost our 13 year old cocker spaniel, and were devastated, people were very kind, however we now have little Lottie in our lives, and this will be her first broads outing

She is only 10 months and is a working cocker, she was rescued from the 'so called' breeder, and has been with us for 7months, we don't know much about her early life but it wasn't good, she is getting more confident now, but she is still very nervous of people, especially men, although she follows me around like a shadow. Somehow if you have had a dog, your home doesn't feel right when they've gone!

How anyone can be cruel to an animal is beyond my comprehension, if you see us give us a wave

Sorry for the ramble, I'm afraid it's just the way they wired me!



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Tim,re Beccles bridge- I reckon you'll be pushing it with HW ±1 HR. What we do is slip into the yacht station on a falling tide and keep popping to the end of the moorings to check the height gauge through binoculars or a telephoto camera. There's often a fair few folk doing the same so be prepared for a Le Mans start when it drops enough. Usually a quick explanation to the harbour master results in a free stopover. Can't help with bookable moorings I'm afraid.

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There's quite a range of tide at Beccles, with that air draft you should be OK but as been said avoid around high water, even if it means a short wait. 

Booking moorings, pretty sure the Bell don't. I'm pushed to think of anywhere on the Southern rivers although I think Beccles and Oulton Broad Yacht stations may do? Having said that mooring is not so much a problem on the Southern rivers. 

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16 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

There's quite a range of tide at Beccles, with that air draft you should be OK but as been said avoid around high water, even if it means a short wait. 

Booking moorings, pretty sure the Bell don't. I'm pushed to think of anywhere on the Southern rivers although I think Beccles and Oulton Broad Yacht stations may do? Having said that mooring is not so much a problem on the Southern rivers. 

Waveney Centre also book moorings

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Thanks for that

Going through isn't a problem as it will be low tide, I was thinking of getting back

A beer in the Locks and Wherry with a sandwich in one of them, walk the dog and back, trouble is that will be high tide!

To be fair shortly after posting I'd thought about a change of plan and we'll probably come back to the lido moorings and have a wander around Beccles then probably go the Yacht Station once the the tide has dropped

Never been to The Lido moorings, are they good / busy?

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1 hour ago, tim said:

Never been to The Lido moorings, are they good / busy?

Moored there in May, only us apart from the Big Dog Ferry. I honestly think with that air draft you should get through without too much problem unless river levels are unusually high. From memory even at high tide you should 6 6 to 6 8. If necessary just moor up at the lido for a short while. Locks and the Wherry are both superb IMHO and we'll worth the effort. 

Forgot to say lido is a pontoon so easy mooring. 

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We need 6’6’ and seldom have difficulty at Beccles, even at high water. In two weeks time I think it will be neaps so no drastic changes between high and low. The lido mooring is fine, you get two hours free and then I think the charges run in line with the Yacht Station. You can moor side on or stern on and it is reasonably peaceful there. Water is available too. Just a short walk away there is a small bit of park if you need to give Lottie a little walk. She is one cute sweetie by the way, I am sure she will enjoy her adventure. Do you have a life jacket for her?


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We do

I was going to buy one but the lovely Fiona from Pacific Cruisers will give her one for free for the week, we’ll probably then get her one for next year

She’s the only Spaniel afraid of water, but she loves the beech, so I think she’ll enjoy Cornwall the week before!

We didn’t really need one for our old dog she was extremely careful to ensure she only ‘paddled’ places she was safe however this one being a pup I’m a little more careful although I’m sure she’ll be ok, but better safe than sorry

Thanks for the help I’m really getting exited, not usual for a man of my age unless beer’s involved!  ;-)

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With that airdraft you should be able to almost come and go as you please. Lido mooring is great. Waveny river center for bookable mooring. 

Dont worry about the locks mooring if you’re towing a dingy drop plug near the cow field on the rhs as you arrive and row if full. 

Three weeks and counting 


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Really? thanks for that advice, would never have considered that, this place is fantastic for that kind of info

 I like to use the dingy not just  because I paid for it but it impresses the wife that before we married 30 years ago I was an accomplished rower (just not that far these days)

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Lots of good advice. I like the swimming pool mooring which is short but tends to be empty in my experience. It's an easy walk to the town too and in April I climbed the church tower for the first time which was well worth the effort for the view. At Geldeston, as well as the Locks if you want a quiet spot the other Dyke to the right where it splits is lovely. 



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The lido mooring whilst short can fit several boats stern on, we use it most years and it is very convenient up the stairs to the church then you are in town. Great advice re right fork for moorings where the river splits. Short walk to the pub (The Wherry Inn) does nice food. There are also some lovely walks around there.

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Even if the Locks moorings appear full it's worth venturing down as there is often space at the end. There is also a section of grassed bank before the moorings start which could be used at a pinch. Pleasant walk from the Locks to the Wherry if you don't want to moor at Geldeston Dyke as well. Best of both worlds! 

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My favourite places on the broads tend to be through the bridges most boats can’t get through ie Potter and Wroxham and with pubs and the end!

Although we only managed Potter with a day boat leaving Alpha Sabre at Herbert Woods mind you I thought I was being cleaver but putting our hire boat keys on the day boat ring, only the leave them there when we took the boat back!

when I realised I went back only to find it had been taken by a hire company to attend a breakdown doh!

Herbert Woods were great though and we got them back quite soon, just had to wander to the Falgate for a pint to while the time away, ho hum!

Lesson learnt, the wife was very understanding though!   ;-)


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