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Save Southwold Harbour

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Sounds too BAish to not share here, I've signed and encourage all others to do so.


To cut an extremely long story short, We are fighting like mad to stop the local district council (based in Lowestoft) from firstly stealing all the revenue from the harbour for their general fund and lending some of it back to the harbour for works at 8% interest.
Their plan is to set up a limited company where they have 100% of the shares to manage and if true to form, try to sell off sections to private companies.

The fact they they do NOT own any of the harbour lands seems to be just a small inconvenience.
Also they have decided without any consultation to scrap the agreement that they signed up to with the town council, harbour users, businesses and residents in March 2015, where a trust would be formed consisting of a cross section of all parties to run the Harbour.

If you would like to help then please sign our petition at https://www.change.org/p/waveney-dis...thwold-harbour

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2 hours ago, Paul said:

Didn't WDC do something similar some years ago with the Yacht Stations at Oulton and Beccles? Beccles especially went downhill dramtically.



Re Beccles, not personally convinced that it has gone downhill, nor Oulton Broad really. Beccles has had wise money spent on it, no longer are boats moored to crumbling timber and now the yacht station is wider,  the banks and moorings are now quality and there is leccy for those who want it. Oulton Broad on the other hand is no better nor worse than it was before WDC/Norse took it over. What has changed in both cases is the mix of boats, at one time hireboats outnumbered private boats, now it's the other way around. I mean no disrespect to either but the harsh reality is that they don't mix well. The Broads have changed, not just the yacht stations. Not to say that things have gone downhill.

As for Southwold, I love the place dearly but regarding WDC's proposed tinkering I have no opinion nor am I qualified to comment.

Photos of Beccles pre WDC.

Beccles, 1960's.jpg

Beccles, The Cut.jpg

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1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:
4 hours ago, Paul said:


Re Beccles, not personally convinced that it has gone downhill

I remember Beccles with the coloured lights on during summer evenings, with showers that worked, and that you'd want to use. I dread my little boy needing to use the facilities at Beccles now, during recent visits they have been somewhere between poor and disgusting.

Oulton hasn't suffered so much, admitted. The best thing about Oulton YS is the staff who are all first rate, but the last twice we have visited the baths have not been available. Problem with the hot water. 

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9 hours ago, Paul said:

I remember Beccles with the coloured lights on during summer evenings, with showers that worked, and that you'd want to use. I dread my little boy needing to use the facilities at Beccles now, during recent visits they have been somewhere between poor and disgusting.

Oulton hasn't suffered so much, admitted. The best thing about Oulton YS is the staff who are all first rate, but the last twice we have visited the baths have not been available. Problem with the hot water. 

Hi Paul, 

I fully agree with you regarding he facilities at the Beccles Yacht Station, I lean towards the disgusting these days, filthy and under maintained. There was talk of new facilities being built almost five years ago, we are still waiting for it to happen.



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Having just returned from the "unofficial" forum meet, I find myself wondering if there are two Beccles on the broads. Whilst I will admit that I have seen better maintained public loos, the BYS are way above some others I have used.

Whenever I've been top Beccles, the staff of BYS have been helpful, the site tidy, and the facilities acceptable. I have no complaints, far from it.

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