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Special Addition Of Broad Sheet

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Welcome to this special edition of Broad Sheet which we are sending to every toll payer on the Broads. There is some timely information which just couldn’t wait until the usual Broad Sheet which is published in February including:


·         An opportunity to join the Broads Authority Navigation Committee and influence toll charges, planning and other strategic policies and strategies

·         Details of our first ‘Broads Engage’ workshop in November which will focus on improving access to the broads

·         A Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) consultation about Carbon Monoxide alarms


We hope you find this edition useful and informative.




The Tolls team.



Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road. Norwich NR1 1RY
01603 610734

Broad Sheet SEPT 2018.pdf

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Is having any influence even possible at BA headquarters?  

Id like to see someone go in and suggest reducing tolls........

I get the impression from this that something is afoot.  Tolls on the rise again no doubt. 

Id apply to join myself but I dont think I would get through the induction...

PR excercise and a hollow one at that! 

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Of course! Get involved with either the Nav Comm or take part in the Broads Engage!!

One key factor IMHO is that if you are known to the individual to whom you may address an enquiry, you are much more likely to get a response as opposed to irritating them by putting in an unnecessary FOI request - which some are prone to do!!

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I'm glad that someone else has raised the topic of the Broad Sheet, or Broad Squit as it is affectionately known by many along the rhond. To be honest I am both angry and amazed that the author has had the temerity to so economical with the truth, or at least to mislead. Let me explain, it's on the front page under BNP Visitor and Education Centre at Acle Bridge, let me quote: 'The Authority has spent very little on the project. The three shortlisted architectural practices were each paid one thousand pounds to develop their stage two submissions for the competition'. That's it,  as written, no mention of the 'officer hours' involved and no mention of the publicity and PR costs. I know that there has been a bulging folder at Yare House for over a year with reports and proposals on this one yet the only mention of cost has been the one for just three thousand pounds. What sort of man does he think he is, or what sort of people does he think we are?  Come off it, Broads Authority, a true report in regards to the costs to-date, including officer costs, and the estimated cost to develop a full business analysis won't go amiss. Telling us that this fiasco has cost very little is at least misleading, at worst a deliberate misrepresentation of the truth. Yes, absolute Broad Squit!

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As long as no Temps, Consultants or any other outside help was used, then the cost was within their fixed overheads. Why proportion cost that they have to pay anyway when it is not recoverable, the work is for their own organisation. So it is not a falsehood to say only £3K has been spent.

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28 minutes ago, marshman said:

Why proportion those costs?

Just so we can have another pop at the BA!!!

Tiresome and predictable.

Chris, all charges at the Authority are proportioned, it's the way that they operate, agreed with the RYA etc. I don't have a problem with that. However the Authority is being economical with the truth in regard to this project. 'Hidden' costs are still costs. Not only that but around half our toll goes towards Authority overheads. To suggest that this vanity project has 'only' cost three grand is ludicrous. 

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Well the last six posts were not only fairly predictable, but have effectively written off this thread. I have no idea how many members have sighed and thought "Oh no, here we go again."

I find myself wondering if it is possible for a thread to exist discussing the BA and Dr Packman that doesn't collapse into this pointless repetitive mush.

Sorry but I had to say it. 

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I agree too, but surely it is right, irrespective of what I really think incidentally, that members of the Forum are aware that the whole of Broadland, or at least this Forum, do NOT carry the view that is generally exhibited here?

And that view is by no means in the majority either, it just seems like it from some of the posters on this Forum!

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A while ago the voices on here that spin against the BA were so dominant that it appeared everybody agreed with them. 

Recently, in my view, a balance has been restored. 

The price everyone pays is that when threads get filled with anti-BA bile several people are in the habit of trying to balance the bile.  


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While I am not in favour of the Acle project this has been debated in other threads and its pointless to keep dragging it up,  the words spent very little mean just that and don't have the same meaning as cost very little, at the moment none of us know the true cost of the project or where the majority of it will be funded from as some of the financing  is coming from grants if memory serves me right, if the project is completed and we have a proper breakdown only then will we be able to say one way or the other.

Meanwhile there are other subjects within the .Broad Sheet far more worthy of discussion and of importance to us all


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2 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

It is very sad that this forum is unable to discuss matters with a "BA" involvement without the very predictable, entrenched views. The result is that topics of importance get hi-jacked by the few.


Very true, I don't have a stance but try to look at each issue on its merits, sometimes they are good sometimes not but nothing is ever all good or all bad.


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22 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

Rather than presenting a convincing counter argument its easier to accuse anyone prepared to raise an eyebrow of spouting anti ba-bile.

Predictable much?

Yes, it’s not like I’ve ever presented a counter argument is it?


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2 hours ago, batrabill said:

Recently, in my view, a balance has been restored. 

The price everyone pays is that when threads get filled with anti-BA bile several people are in the habit of trying to balance the bile.  

the reverse is also true, that when  a thread is filled with over the top praise of the BA, then several people are also in the habit of trying to balance the sugar coating - so yes a balance is there

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We have sadly gone off topic, which I suppose was inevitable. The topic was the Broadsheet and what is written within, or on one of its two sides. I quoted, and opened for discussion, what in undeniably written for all to read. 

It is a widely held view, and probably right, that in regard to the BNP visitor centre JP has jumped the gun. Rather than Authority members it is JP who has, with understandable enthusiasm, ploughed on with this project. However there are obvious hurdles, such as planning and the fact that the proposal is head on to existing Authority guidelines and policies to overcome. Only now is he talking of a business plan, bit late in the day for that. No doubt that the project fits in with Government guidelines for being 'called in' and I suspect that will happen. It is quite likely that JP's plans will have a rocky ride ahead and my guess is that he is now attempting to devalue the project ahead of any criticism should it grind to a halt. Of course that final conclusion is pure guesswork but what is not guesswork is what is written in the Broadsheet.

Having talked to JP about this project, at an early stage, I am aware of the enthusiasm that he has for it. I actually think that he is probably both surprised and disappointed at the lack of universal support. Personally I question the manner in which he's attempting to force this project forward and I'm afraid that half truths add nothing to the debate.

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The thing that continually sticks in my throat is the all to familiar tactics JP employs to achieve his own ends. 

He must be aware of the level of scrutiny he is under and any sensible person surely would seek not to fuel the fire.  

Im not anti BA but I personally do not trust JP nor do I particularly want a man at the helm who clearly thinks the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads are his to toy with as he wishes.



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4 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

Well the last six posts were not only fairly predictable, but have effectively written off this thread. I have no idea how many members have sighed and thought "Oh no, here we go again."

I find myself wondering if it is possible for a thread to exist discussing the BA and Dr Packman that doesn't collapse into this pointless repetitive mush.

Sorry but I had to say it. 

After a few years of membership and reading this Forum and a few months of posting. Whenever I see any post regarding the Broads Authority or Dr. Packman, or even, dare I say it, the words National Park, It all turns to 'white noise'... It's there, it's annoyingly repetetive, is neither entertaining nor informative, it just is... Unfortunately. :30_no_mouth:

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