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Boat For Sale - Alphacraft 42 Dual Steer

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Please define a 'long' summer

please define a 'hot;' summer

if there is a long hot summer what difference will it make to river levels, especially at certain bridges?

This thread could continue until there is another boat for sale, the vendor just being able to add it at the appropriate time

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11 hours ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:


Something a bit smaller then from the same people?

Nice ex demo Shadow 24.

That looks a very nice boat. If I won the lottery I could be quite tempted. No I'm not going to tell you all my numbers otherwise I might have to share the jackpot!!

Oh yes ... and summer is booked for a certain date in July that happens to be my birthday! :default_eusa_dance:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bump :default_biggrin:

Come on folks, roll up, roll up!!

Quite a bit of interest so far, so don't miss out! 

It's a bit too much for just me and Mrs Nog but would be a cracking family boat or live aboard.  :default_stinky:

Contact Paul at Swancraft (contact details on the right hand sponsors panel) 

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