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Hooked Cygnet..


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Moored at Barton Turf and this youngster came for a feed, rang the RSPCA and was put through to Yorkshire (nowt against Yorkshire folk) they were aware but hadn't managed to sort it so we rang The Norfolk Wildlife Trust and a nice chap called Kevin arrived within half an hour. We had kept it occupied until his car pulled up...then the mother promptly took it away! He managed to borrow a boat from Cox's boatyard and caught and released the cygnet in good order...just as he finished the RSPCA arrived so good service all round. I just wish people were more careful, I saw a young child catch a cygnet at Ranworth the other day too, it fortunately managed to release itself unharmed. 


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Like MM I do have some sympathy with anglers but then why on earth do they carry on fishing when a swan is really near to their tackle?

The situation is not helped when people feed swans and ducks from fishing platforms, I've seen that more than once. The result is that the swans expect to be fed when they see a human on the platform.

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On 08/09/2020 at 12:42, JennyMorgan said:

 but then why on earth do they carry on fishing when a swan is really near to their tackle?

Its not rocket science, when there are swans or ducks near my fishing tackle, I real it in till they are gone. But for some simpletons, they just don't understand.

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10 hours ago, Upcycler said:

Its not rocket science, when there are swans or ducks near my fishing tackle, I real it in till they are gone. But for some simpletons, they just don't understand.

That's a bit harsh Mr Upcycler sir!

My experience is that I start fishing, swans come along (within a minute or so), I reel in and stop fishing. Swans hang about for a few minutes then go away. I resume fishing and immediately the swans come back.

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To avoid swans around your tackle...don't wear underwear made by Warburtons!

Learning to fish 101...never wind in your line when ducks or swans appear. You still find numpties winding in which flicks the terminal tackle up through the water to tangle around the feet of the bird or to present a tasty morsel higher in the water to peck at. Guaranteed to increase the chances of 'hook a duck'.

Learning to fish 101a...learn to make the swan threat call while simultaneously pulling line from your reel and lifting your rod tip. The birds are conditioned to move away when an angler lifts the rod, you will see them dart away from the shadow of the rod. The terminal tackle will stay in place and not rise in the water. Swans will move away from the threat noise...think the K and c sounds in a Liverpudlian accent, saying 'accent'.

Learning to fish 101b...keep throwing some bread in so it drifts into the swim of the angler who wound their tackle in. Gives him a chance to watch the swans and ducks.

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We were sailing my little dinghy on Black Horse Broad last week when a large male swan came  alongside the boat. We were marveling at the impressive sight of this creature from water-level, when the blighter started pecking my leg.  I think it was after bread, but I didn't have any with me so had to put up with this for about 5 minutes until it got bored and paddled away. I would have sailed away from it but there wasn't much wind and it could easily swim as fast as I could sail. 

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11 minutes ago, SteveO said:

...when the blighter started pecking my leg.

A bit like the male tortoise (called Turvey) I had for many years who bit my mother in her big toe (open sandals) when she was too slow slicing apple for him...

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On 10/09/2020 at 08:08, MauriceMynah said:

That's a bit harsh Mr Upcycler sir!

My experience is that I start fishing, swans come along (within a minute or so), I reel in and stop fishing. Swans hang about for a few minutes then go away. I resume fishing and immediately the swans come back.

You just confirmed what I said ?????????????

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