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How Much Mph Do Boats Need


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20 minutes ago, RealWindmill said:


Well , there are so many holes in this post I not sure where to start.

Am actually getting quite bored with this now so perhaps won't bother . nobody seems to want to sensibly discuss the Safety aspects of the OPs question but seem to want to defend how it will affect their personal boat usage.

But hey, i'll give it one more go before I get back to the football.

And what happens when proceeding to sea again?  De regulate the engine(s) what a palarva

Modern engines can be easily and quickly governed and degoverned electronically or by software. Older engines could use a form of simple linkage stop with a seal around a clip to prevent tampering. All easily rigged and derigged in probably less time than it takes to do a pumpout.

So who does the software update and what cost.  As Griff said, ‘what a palarva!’

23 minutes ago, RealWindmill said:

Or wishing to navigate against a full ebb on the lower Bure - It happens by choice now and again

You may also wish to scream up the M1 at 150mph also, but that is also socially unacceptable and a bit risky.

Absolutely, but few do.  The majority of the general public do exceed the speed limit where the national speed limit applies, however few exceed it by driving at twice that!

27 minutes ago, RealWindmill said:

You might as well go the whole hog and regulate every road vehicle, cars, bikes, vans, mini buses the lot.

We practically do that already. Not many road vehicles can go at 140mph i.e. twice the National speed limit.

By comparison, Many broads sea going boats will achieve 20 or 25kts as a minimum easily. i.e four times plus the Broads limits.

Not many road vehicles can go at 140mph.   Why pick on that figure?  I would imagine that every car on sale in the UK currently will exceed the national speed limit.  Should we speed limit them all to 70mph maximum.  I also think you would be surprised at the percentage of vehicles on sale will exceed 140mph - even my 2litre diesel Skoda will hitb140mph.

33 minutes ago, RealWindmill said:

There is already in some instances far too much nanny state interference as there is without adding a whole new tier to it where leisure boats on the Broads are concerned

Agreed, but the BA are on a mission to make the Broads safer after this recent season of quite tragic events, so Nanny interference into how boats are operated and used  on the Broads will follow , like it or not.

So there have been tragic events on The Broads this year.  I wonder how many folk have lost their lives around the coast of the UK, swimming, surfing or engaged in other activities in the sea.  Do we now need legislation forcing swimmers to,wear a life jacket or floatation device before entering the water?  Do we ban driving because someone has lost their life in an RTC?  

We all know that there is speeding on The Broads - there always will be people who ignore the rules, just the same as in any other situation.  I’m afraid that there are holes to be picked in your post, too.  The idea of speed limiting every vessel that enters the rivers from the sea is absolutely unworkable.

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5 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

So who does the software update and what cost.  As Griff said, ‘what a palarva!’

On modern Volvo Penta engines over 110hp there is speed limit software available, but it needs to be activated and set by a Vodia tool which is only available to dealers and some VP staff.  They wouldn’t do it for nothing!!  Not that it will ever happen anyway!


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44 minutes ago, NeilB said:

On modern Volvo Penta engines over 110hp there is speed limit software available,

I have a sneaking feeling it won't work on my old TMD41's Neil... :default_biggrin: Give them clean fuel and air and 12v is totally irrelevent once started, how maring engines should be.

I know of a boat where both engines went into limp mode halfway across the channel due to diesel bug, not because they couldn't get enough fuel but because the pressure dropped low enough for the engines to protect themselves, now I'd rather get into port safely with two knackered engines than get t boned by a container ship with two protected engines.

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The only way to stop speeding is to have gato cameras , how practical would that be? fined by the yard when boat returned, ,summons in post if correct address given, can we just say there is a speed limit that is obeyed by most, ignored by some, broken by some through ignorance and some through sheer inconsidiant  madness.John

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35 minutes ago, annv said:

The only way to stop speeding is to have gato cameras

as long as they are not pointing upstream at great yarmouth catching people coming down on the ebb, this is the area that breaks all the rules for boaters, even those wanting to keep to speed restrictions, the one area where you can be sticking to the speed limit and creating a huge wash, or breaking the limit and creating no wash, where the tides dont follow the rules and can be an hour behind predicted times, meaning even the best planning can leave you arriving at the wrong time.

its all fine to say you just time it for slack water, but you arrive at slack water to find the bure still an hour from low due to a high pressure in the north sea, or you have a boat that needs to go through at low water on the yare for clearance at the bridges.

That aside elsewhere on the broads, even boats that are governed or have speed limiters fitted can be speeding in a 4mph or 3mph zone.

proper attention to the topic at handover may be one answer, but there will still be those who dont listen.

the way it is worked at the moment mostly works, when the rangers spot someone travellin a bit fast they wave their paddles, they follow up reports of speeding boats and target serial offenders.

the rest is down to all of us to pay attention to our wash and behave ourselves.

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