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Christmas And Covid


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16 hours ago, SwanR said:

Ha ha ha ... I might even buy cake in Roy's to go with a nice cup of coffee ... or a glass of wine ... unless Jay prefers mince pies!!

Your company alone would be more than enough if you popped over for a drink Jean, although a mince pie is more festive than cake, unless it :default_xmas3:Christmas Cake:default_xmas3:

16 hours ago, Katiew said:

Can you imagine how good the mince pies might be....I’ve not tried those yet?

Well you'll have to pop over for a drink too then won't you, wear some tinsel :default_smile:


I’m not usually around in the winter months because of leave from work, but this year it looks far more likely :default_biggrin:

Ooh great stuff for you. How come it's looking more likely this year? :default_smiley-angelic002:

I might well see you around then, I'm planning on being pretty much residential over the winter :default_biggrin:

6 hours ago, SwanR said:

Whatever it holds it’s 3 months today!!

:default_xmas6: :default_xmas6: :default_xmas6:


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2 hours ago, Katiew said:

At the risk incurring wrath, I’m not really into wearing tinsel....it’s a bit...scratchy? I do love a good pom-pom though.....if I promise to ensure Christmas colours with fur trim and Pom poms will that suffice? :default_rofl:

You just go easy talking about your fur trim and pop poms. As lovely as they are I am sure, even if I wouldnt know about that, you wouldn't want to go getting me all excited now would you :default_biggrin:

2 hours ago, Katiew said:

Oh I’ve no doubt I’ll see you, probably from quite far away. You’ll be the one with your wired in Christmas lights giving off around a million candle power struggling to get into your mooring won’t you?

No idea what you could mean, I know exactly which spot is mine and wouldn't dream of mooring in my neighbours by accident :default_smiley-angelic002:


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this will make jay happy, one of my work colleagues approached me yesterday, as most of us are currently working from home she has decided that we need to inject some christmas cheer, we all connect with each other via ms teams, so she has decided (and I reluctantly got roped in) that we will do a little teams meeting for everyones children, Santa and his helper, apparently I am the best candidate for the cheery man, so she will get me a costume and we will use the backgrounds feature in teams to add a suitable background, and do an hour long teams meeting - oh what have i let myself in for..

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10 minutes ago, grendel said:

oh what have i let myself in for..

Fun, frivolity and a whole load of Christmas spirit :default_xmas3:

Sounds like a great idea G, and I'm sure you'll be a fantastic Santa, there's just something about you that seems to, erm...fit :default_biggrin:

Brilliant stuff, well done G. I hope the kids love it :default_xmas2:

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7 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I can hear it now...

"Ho Ho Ho you sweet little girly what would you like me to give you?...

... Yes I know it's your daughter over there, but she's not looking. Now, what can Santa do for you...

Nooo stay on my knee." 

oh God, that reminds of this time when I met a girl in a really tiny santa outfit one night. Well I was obviously hooked, what with the Christmas theme and all, anyway long story short................... oooh no, probably best not share that one :default_smiley-angelic002:

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56 minutes ago, Katiew said:

Well, I was sticking with the Christmas theme so assumed a Santa Hat could be the appropriate attire :default_xmas6:

Just a santa hat :default_icon_luvlove: 

Will you still be showing off your fur trim and pom poms too? :default_smiley-angelic002:


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1 hour ago, Katiew said:

Oooh, does this mean your going to post a new profile pic for over the festive period Grendel?

I love it already- Santa Mod! :default_xmas4:

I'm off to go find my Santa pic of G from a while ago...I have one of Eminem too.

Both truly terrifying pictures truth be told :default_smiley-angelic002:


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1 minute ago, Katiew said:

Well, that would be an unusually....casual....dress code for the festive period. I think its more usual to have something a little more formal? 

I’llkeep it festive themed of course...jingle bell earrings, Christmas stockings......


...and just for the sake of your heart rate, a great big Santa suit.


Seems my heart rate will remain in the low 40's then. I can see I'm getting nowhere here, I can take a hint...I'll go find another Christmas Cracker, one that I can manage to pull :default_norty:

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42 minutes ago, Katiew said:

nobody loves a gooseberry when the mistletoe is out :default_xmas6:

How is mistletoe going to work with social distancing?! I bought some very pretty face masks this week as I think we're going to need them for a long time. :default_xmas6:

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5 minutes ago, SwanR said:

How is mistletoe going to work with social distancing?! I bought some very pretty face masks this week as I think we're going to need them for a long time. :default_xmas6:

That's a very good point, and I have no idea what Katiew is implying, sounds a tad jealous though :facepalm:

So Katiew, how is mistletoe going to work with social distancing and will you be missing out on the Christmas kisses this year? :default_smiley-angelic002:

What exactly makes a face mask pretty Mrs SR?? Regardless, the pretty face mask will look ruddy awful once it's on my mug :default_biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

What exactly makes a face mask pretty Mrs SR?? Regardless, the pretty face mask will look ruddy awful once it's on my mug :default_biggrin:

There are actually plenty of Christmas face masks out there that I'm sure would look great on you. :default_xmas3:

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3 minutes ago, SwanR said:

There are actually plenty of Christmas face masks out there that I'm sure would look great on you. :default_xmas3:

If they're full face masks I'd agree Jean. Like this one I bought earlier :default_xmas3:



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14 minutes ago, Katiew said:

Ooh- I don’t think you need to remain socially distant from plants so you should be ok with the mistletoe Mr Fire.

Actually I'm allergic to mistletoe. Fortunately, I've needed needed it anyway, so when Jean pop's round all we need to work out is the distancing part :default_norty:


And given I haven’t required any mistletoe to have amazing kisses with my lovely man so far, I think I’m going to be ok for Christmas kisses with him too thanks! :default_icon_luvlove:

I bet he can't wait, and what a lucky "lovely man". I'm sure he knows how lucky he is too :default_biggrin:


How are you going to get on in one of those masks though???? :default_icon_eek:

Dunno, I'll have to find out won't I

I'll be sure you're the first one to know though when I do.....purely as you're so interested in how I am going to manage of course :default_smiley-angelic002:

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In the words of a very famous  man " I have a dream". Sadly not sure it will come true,but let's hope.That is,that we get over this dreadful  disease and start  to be free again.No more test and  trace.No more masks constant hand sanitizing/ hand washing. Fall employment .A visit to a football match.Meeting up with long list friends, that may be more then six.No that's to much to ask for.

The last normal holiday  this year was New years day.Since then all bank Holidays or breaks have had many restrictions placed upon  them.If we ALL stick to the rules, we can perhaps beat this,but if we ignore rules placed upon  us,sadly normal will be this living  hell for years to come.I want normal,I am one of perhaps  thousands, more so then those affected by Covad that have perhaps a life threatening illness and I want CHRISTMAS, Easter a a life clear of illness,or is that to much to ask for.

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We have no option but to toe the line, at least for this Christmas. How I wish it could be otherwise, especially for those for whom it is likely to be their last Christmas on this earth. I saw my first great grandchild today, a placid, good natured, lovable little man. I doubt that I will be able to see him over Christmas. His father is an IT technician in a local school. quite likely that he'll be in lockdown by Christmas. We shall just have to wait & see. The mum of two of my other grandchildren is an administering pharmacist on the Covid ward of a local hospital, she too could be in lockdown by Christmas. My wife and I are both vulnerable so won't be taking any risks. Hey Ho, that is how it is, thankfully we still have each other. We consider ourselves lucky. How folk on their own will cope I dread to think. 

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