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Pyes Mill Footpath Closure.


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Loddon Parish Council


The Council has been informed by the landowner that the permissive path from Loddon Marina to Pyes Mill / Holy Trinity Church has been closed.

The landowner informed the Council that this action has unfortunately had to be taken as a minority of dog walkers continually fail to adhere to the signs, and refuse to put their dogs on a lead (despite the wildlife and livestock on the field).

There have also been reoccurring issues with dog fouling.

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The last time we were there, the wooden bridge into the field from the Pyes Mill moorings was in a dreadful state.  I wonder if the cost and effort to replace it had any bearing on the decision.

Its a shame, but at least the walk along the lanes and through the church yard remains open and allows access to the village from Pyes Mill.

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As some of you know I have a public footpath running down the side of my garden. Not generally a problem, indeed far from it, other than the inevitable rogue dog owner. The annoying people who, as soon as they step off the pavement and onto the footpath, let their dear, beloved, can't possibly be a problem dogs off their leads is a recurring problem. I had one particular dog who ran wild in my garden, killing two chickens. I remonstrated with the owner only to be told that my pets were 'only chickens'. Without hesitation I told him that should his dog come into my garden again that I would shoot it, it was 'only a dog'. I haven't seen him since. I no longer have a gun but he wasn't to know that!

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1 hour ago, Mouldy said:

The last time we were there, the wooden bridge into the field from the Pyes Mill moorings was in a dreadful state.  I wonder if the cost and effort to replace it had any bearing on the decision.

Its a shame, but at least the walk along the lanes and through the church yard remains open and allows access to the village from Pyes Mill.

To be honest the odd times I've moored at Pyes Mill I've mostly used the churchyard route. I dont think there's a huge amount in it and it's a lot less muddy especially in winter. It also very conveniently brings you out opposite the Swan! :default_biggrin:  :default_beerchug:

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16 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

To be honest the odd times I've moored at Pyes Mill I've mostly used the churchyard route. I dont think there's a huge amount in it and it's a lot less muddy especially in winter. It also very conveniently brings you out opposite the Swan! :default_biggrin:  :default_beerchug:

Yeah . . . . . . . . But taking the route across the field brings you out at the side of the Kings Head!!  Don’t even have to cross the road, which is possibly safer when you come out.  😁😉

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Oh that is so sad.    As the owner has come to this conclusion is can only have come about by locals using the footpath because for the best part of a year most of us have not been able to get to do the walk as not classed as 'close to home'.    I know when we went there last , the words ' beware of the cows' was ringing in my ears and I declined to walk the path, that was starting at the little bridge.    

I read this article,  is the story true about the shopping?




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1 hour ago, Regulo said:

It's just a fiction to give "life" to the sculpture. I must admit, despite walking the route many times I've never found any "items of shopping as waymarkers". Anyone else?

Clearly someone had visited the hairdressers and 'bought something for the weekend', oh dear, dropped on the way back to the boat :default_icon_cry:

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4 minutes ago, Maxwellian said:

Is it possible to get from the library to Mill Road( footpath green line) this would be shorter?


The Green line is the aforementioned path that NorfolkNog referred to that comes out through the church yard and opposite The Swan. Used it many a time myself.

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Yes, it looks a bit like someones drive to start with. Easy enough to spot if you look out for it though. That first route is the l-o-n-g way round. You can just see the line of the footpath on the first aerial shot. I can't remember how long it takes, not long. 

Bit longer coming back though! :default_drinks:

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8 hours ago, Hylander said:

Oh that is so sad.    As the owner has come to this conclusion is can only have come about by locals using the footpath because for the best part of a year most of us have not been able to get to do the walk as not classed as 'close to home'.  

My own bit of the Angles Way is now being walked by numerous folk who I have never seen before. I can only assume that some folk like long walks. On top of that I read somewhere that dog ownership has soared during lockdown. Walking has become exceedingly popular over this past year! 

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12 hours ago, Regulo said:

Walking from Pye's Mill, that footpath is easily missed. It's between the 30 mph sign and the blue car.


I seem to remember that the footpath continues on the opposite side of the road and is a bit more obvious as a footpath. Might help in identifying it if the blue car has pumped his tyres up again and moved!

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Pity the farmer didn’t just ban dogs from the field. We much prefer to moor at Pye’s Mill and walk in to shop in Loddon. 
I think the distinctive brick piers and the 30 limit sign will be enough to find our way.

We use to like walking through the field with the cows as Ruth’s childhood was on a farm.

Colin :default_winko:

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12 hours ago, NorfolkNog said:

Yes, it looks a bit like someones drive to start with. . . . . . . . .

It’s actually next to someone’s drive, which is quite long and leads to another house.  I’ve marked the path in yellow and the drive in blue.  To be fair, there is access to the path from the drive if you do get it wrong.  We’ve walked along it before and no one has shouted at us yet!!


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12 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

My own bit of the Angles Way is now being walked by numerous folk who I have never seen before. I can only assume that some folk like long walks. On top of that I read somewhere that dog ownership has soared during lockdown. Walking has become exceedingly popular over this past year! 

Driving back from the garage after taking hubby's car in for its service , we commented on the fact that everyone appears to have a dog nowadays and mostly more than one.    I wonder what will happen when they all have to go back to work and school.   Animals dont understand why all of a sudden they have no company.

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