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It's been a long time since we were last on the Broads but so looking forward to our holiday at the beginning of Sept!  We are Chris and Brenda and reside in a small village just outside Rugby in Warwickshire.  The last time we were on the Broads was over a decade ago when we hired a dual steer from Ferry Marina having progressed from a small aft cockpit cruiser from Silverline and then sort of got bigger!  We then bought a motorhome and had a good few years touring until we decided that we'd experienced enough of that type of holiday so sold it and did a few beach holidays abroad.  We're both at the wrong end of 60 and although I retired last year, Brenda is still working (NHS).  Due to the uncertainty of the current situation, last year we booked Sovereign Light from Herbert Woods for the first week in September this year.  We have friends down in Bideford in Devon who have half ownership in a sea going cruiser so we've invited them to come with us and experience the peace and quiet and slightly different aspect of boating on the Broads.  I've already been "swotting up" and blowing the cobwebs away with regards to boat handling etc and have already watched all the new videos available to avoid being a complete plonker in Sept!! :default_dunce: I recognise a few of the members names on here from years ago and have been "lurking" for a few weeks now as a guest and gleaning a few tips here and there already!  So, that's about it in a rather large "nutshell" :default_biggrin:



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Guest Jayfire

Hiya Chris and Brenda. There is never a bad time to be on the Broads but September is a great time to visit.

Enjoy, from Grace and I :default_beerchug:

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Thanks to everyone for the warm welcomes, let's hope the barmy weather will be just as barmy in Sept although we'll be ready for sun, wind, rain, sleet and snow (preferably in that order!) whatever the elements decide to do!


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Well that the clothing for the 1st morning sorted!

The first visit is always memorable, just don't try and over internet it.

Luckily there was no internet for our 1st trip no mobiles either.

When it goes wrong someone will be around to help, when it goes right ( mostly does) you will be alone in the world.

RELAX  about it, a couple of decades or so later, when we were selling Zimbi I did the worst possible last mooring!!!!


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26 minutes ago, ZimbiIV said:

Well that the clothing for the 1st morning sorted!

The first visit is always memorable, just don't try and over internet it.

Luckily there was no internet for our 1st trip no mobiles either.

When it goes wrong someone will be around to help, when it goes right ( mostly does) you will be alone in the world.

RELAX  about it, a couple of decades or so later, when we were selling Zimbi I did the worst possible last mooring!!!!


Hi Paul,

This will be our 4th visit to the Broads albeit over an elongated period of time :default_biggrin: so hopefully there won't be too many mishaps! Easy peasey - slow and easy will be the order of the holiday - but I'm sure we'll have our moments :default_norty: we are all looking forward to it (the holiday I mean!).


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