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Water Rail Tlc


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I thought I would start a new thread for Water Rails maintenance, as I have brought some homework back with me, Water Rails original mast needed some TLC, the worst bit was the masthead light on the top that was cock-eyed, it bugged me every time I looked at it. Anyway I bought the mast home and have stripped it to it's components, and started removing the old varnish, it turns out that under all that varnish it's quite a lovely piece of close grained Douglas fir ( I believe).

Sanding has been started, and it's a job I can do while working when I get a moment or two.

Brass parts will get cleaned up and polished then maybe a coat of lacquer to preserve the finish.





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Sanding is nearing completion, just a few marks to get out still, meanwhile design is in process for the new mount for the mast topper, I have removed the existing cracked timber and am designing a new interface part, that needs to transition from square to round.


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Since the connection between the mast and top Bob were all cracked and misshapen I removed them and am working on a design for the new top connection, I am doing this first in cad and 3d printing prior to making it in timber, I need a smooth flowing shape, pleasing to the eye.

For me the slightly more inwardly curved shape looks better, so next to reproduce it in timber.





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Unfortunately the lump of greenheart I had to hand wasn't quite as wide as I hoped, so the top is a bit narrower, but it gets the idea across, next to put a square hole right through for the mast to sit in, then some sanding and shaping


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