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  • 2 weeks later...

We are afloat this weekend , arrived last evening and as usual had a great evening meal and ales in The Crown Catfield , Bramble loved her doggy dinner of rice and chicken , Katie and I both sampled the excellent plaice and chips , and I was delighted in the dark mild offering .

Passed Springers Retreat , and quick wave to Kate as we went through Ludham on our travels 

Currently moored at Cockshoot dyke as we have booked into Boulters for fuel and pump out in half an hours time .

Then off to Ranworth 


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22 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

We are afloat this weekend , arrived last evening and as usual had a great evening meal and ales in The Crown Catfield , Bramble loved her doggy dinner of rice and chicken , Katie and I both sampled the excellent plaice and chips , and I was delighted in the dark mild offering .

Passed Springers Retreat , and quick wave to Kate as we went through Ludham on our travels 

Currently moored at Cockshoot dyke as we have booked into Boulters for fuel and pump out in half an hours time .

Then off to Ranworth 


Ranworth . . . . . Really?  Have a good weekend!

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Wonderful evening was spent an Ranworth and the Jumper ale in The Maltsters was very good , woke up to a chilly and wet morning and decided to stay put for a while. Popped in to The Maltsters at lunch to ensure the Jumper was still up to standard , it was , and it was refreshing to see that the pub was nice and busy , plenty of diners and drinkers alike 

finally cast off at 15:00 having decided to head back up the Ant , made it to the side on moorings at Gays Staithe , where there are also four hire boats enjoying the winter peace afloat .

Booked into The White Horse this evening  , bonus is that they have sea shanties tonight, huge plus for them is that I’m driving early so can only have a couple of pints ergo I’ll be able to resist joining in !! 

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Hi, all I can say at the Ranworth  Maltsters Pub was busy. I had a very nice Sunday Lunch to complement it with a very nice Warm open  Fire to break up this very  Cold freezing Sunda outside. So we are now taken back to Winter once again Brrr I only wish we all could Hibernate from Autumn October till Spring at the end of March. 

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I only wish we all could Hibernate from Autumn October till Spring at the end of March.

Well I don't.  I enjoy some parts of the winter especially a winter afloat if the rivers re ice free.

There are some proper cold temperatures coming, here's hoping those afloat don't get iced in


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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

There are some proper cold temperatures coming, here's hoping those afloat don't get iced in

My thoughts exactly. I’m hoping February warmed the water enough to keep the ice at bay.
I’m out and about this week, ‘borrowing’ my boat from LBBY who haven’t quite finished the work on her. At least it gives me a chance to troubleshoot any snagging jobs. 
I warned my two friends, who have only been in June and Sept before to expect something rather different, especially as the bathroom has no wall under the window at the moment so is a good escape route for any heat we input!

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On 19/02/2023 at 16:23, CambridgeCabby said:

Left Ranworth after lunch , back up the Ant , very little river traffic .

Now moored up at a crowded Gays staithe 


Hi Simon. I see you are moored on the Side On Moorings at Gaye's Staithe. I heard a rumour that the side on moorings and the 2 end moorings are now private and no longer BA 24 hour moorings. Is there any truth in this?

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Sutton staithe has reopened but after speaking to the boat yard owner when I saw him at Ranworth ,where he was attending a breakdown of a private boat , the area along the green and on the leccy is still “occupied” (his words not mine) .

We like the green area , not lovers of the footpath part so decided to not attempt to moor there only to be disappointed again .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Afloat again , arrived last night , popped up to Catfield for dinner and slept aboard in the wet shed .

Set off at 10:00 , passed a few hire boats on the Ant , mostly Richardson's and HW boats.

Now moored up at Ranworth , windy and a light drizzle with quite a chop on the waters .



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1 hour ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Afloat again , arrived last night , popped up to Catfield for dinner and slept aboard in the wet shed .

Set off at 10:00 , passed a few hire boats on the Ant , mostly Richardson's and HW boats.

Now moored up at Ranworth , windy and a light drizzle with quite a chop on the waters .



I wish that was an April Fools joke! :40_rage:

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