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The Future Of Electric Boating On The Broads???


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Should I pitch this to BA and EA as an idea for more environmentally friendly boating? 

Sort of more seriously can anyone explain how these work? 

I was chatting about this with JA today. Electric boats need a circuit to run.

The positive and negative can't come from the same overhead wire supply or it would just short out.

So where did they pick up the negative/ return/ earth from?

It has been suggested that it just returns through the water but even by 1955 standards this sounds like a less than ideal solution.

The boats were there until at least the early 70`s and possibly very early 80`s. 


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dirty water conducts electricity, basically you need impurities in the water to make it conductive, of course naturally water contains the impurities necessary or it to be conductive.

I would imagine the earth rods to connect to the water would require regular replacement, as connected one way they will erode into the water, and connected the other they would gather impurities to the rods.

Interesting problem.

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News update. 

I have been told today that there was a thin (about 1 inch wide) copper strip that ran around the whole pond and where required across the bottom to connect the islands to the main strip. 

I may be closer to the answer now. But always open to new information. 

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There were a number of metal plates spaced around the outside of the pond that acted as cathodes. There was something in the water to make it conduct the electricity, it had a hazy/white cloudy look. If I remember correctly those little boats steered from the front rather than with a rudder at the back. I remember seeing the boats out of the water in winter but can't remember what was underneath them.

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