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Late last month I posted that I was  having to have an'op. Unfortunately the results were not as I hoped and what was removed was 0.07mm insufficient for requirements thus Monday will find me back  to have the same thing done again. I just hope the surgeon gets it right this time  -   although there is no guarantee apparently. I'm not  a very happy bunny right now which means my B.P. has gone sky high so they might not be able to operate at all  unless I can get a response to the problem from my G.P. to adjust my medication in time which nis proving difficult.



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18 hours ago, Smoggy said:

Good luck Carole, I'm on second attempt of a double hernia op on the 30th, hopefully they'll have a surgeon free this time.

Good luck with that. You must be fed up with waiting. Let's hope the surgeons  are all present and correct this time



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Had op no.2 today. The experience couldn't have been more different. For a start the b.p. behaved itself. I also was hugely relieved to have a different anaethsetist. This one was a lady who didn't treat my hand and arm as if it was an inanimate pin cushion leaving it black and blue with 15 + holes and 2 large swellings that are still there. Today just one attempt was all it took to fit the cannula and I have no raw throat either. I was on my way home by 1.00pm and enjoyed a pub lunch(no wine sadly) on route. Result. Happy days.


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