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Tabitha Rose - A New Adventure


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On 11/08/2022 at 14:41, Mouldy said:

Sorry! 😕 (Hangs head in shame!).  There are two ways to go from here avoiding the A11 (without resorting to the lanes). Just my luck that the route I suggested was blocked!

That's okay Malcolm. It was an accident, so unexpected. Just our luck and could have happened on any of the possible routes. 

We now have a Cobb... largely due to my having drooled over the photos that Malcolm posted in July of roast pork and chicken done on his Cobb. The Cobb was my birthday present. I haven't used it on this trip yet as the spot we were moored in Beccles near the shop archway seemed awkward, and although Dave has said he's fine with us using it in the rear well of Tabitha I thought maybe Oulton Broad wasn't the place. Just as well really, as the aubergine and fete burgers I fried for Graham yesterday broke up in the pan. I had a rump steak. 

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. Yesterday (Thursday 11th) we started out from Beccles around 8am. Peter, on Water Rail, kindly followed us down the river, just in case we hit any issues as Tabitha hadn't been out on the river for some time.

She was fine, and we got to Oulton Broad before 10. Broad Ambition and other boats that had crossed Breydon were already there and we were guided to moor on one of the last vacant spots on the outer pontoon. 

Unfortunately, somewhere between Beccles and Oulton Broad Graham put his back out, so we didn't socialise today as much as we'd hoped. After we'd had lunch I persuaded him to have a gentle walk around the park, which helped, and he was mobile enough to go across to Sean's for tea and cakes. We were taken across to Sean's on  Kingfisher (immaculate!) and later had a demo of her hydraulically operated roof canopy (wish we had one of those on MS!). 

I must admit that both Graham and I had two cakes. (Well, it would have been rude not to! 😊) Seren was given a huge bowl of water. It was a very pleasant afternoon. 

We made our way back the the yacht Station around the perimeter of the Broad just as the powerboat racing was getting going. 

I should have been sensible and got a takeaway this evening, like most of the rest of the crews were doing, instead of cooking new potatoes and veg burgers/steak. I wish I'd bought less food in Lidl's. 

A few photos from today. 

Dawn at Beccles.


We think Graham put his back out lifting Seren so that she could look out. 


Just arrived in Oulton Broad.


Being taxi'd across on Kingfisher.


On way back to the YS.





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Hope Graham’s back is feeling better. 

Is tabitha rose the last surviving star light ? I ask as my grandparents had their honeymoon on a star light in the 50s don’t know which one or any more details as they’ve are not here to ask any more details. 

Think I can remember Tabitha being moored in the corner of Oulton b near the slipway and the park many years ago ? 


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3 hours ago, Roy said:

Hope Graham’s back is feeling better. 

Is tabitha rose the last surviving star light ? I ask as my grandparents had their honeymoon on a star light in the 50s don’t know which one or any more details as they’ve are not here to ask any more details. 

Think I can remember Tabitha being moored in the corner of Oulton b near the slipway and the park many years ago ? 


I'll have to ask Dave, as I have no idea. Last year she used to be moored in the corner on the opposite side to the cafe.

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Friday 12th. 

Oulton Broad can be noisy at dawn ...it's the seagulls! So, got woken up before 5

We had a leisurely morning. Seren had a couple of walks in the park, including one which Graham joined us for. His back was a little better today, so he was trying to move around more. 

We had an early coffee, and I wandered off to see if I could find some croissants somewhere. They did have some in the new Nisa store but I wasn't sure how fresh they were as the display of baked goods was otherwise pretty empty.  I waited until after 8.30 for The Old Dairy to open then went there to pick up some croissants and coffees. We shared a normal croissant and an almond and raspberry one. Delicious!

A lot of the morning was spent chatting with people, though I did spend some time preparing a vegetarian chilli. I wanted to get this cooked before the day got too warm, so that I could just reheat it later. 

The main activity this morning was getting the boats ready for the cruise in company down to Beccles, swabbing decks and putting up bunting etc. Peter (on Water Rail) and the chap on Serephina gave us some bunting, so Tabitha looked the part too, despite my having come without any. 

We left after 11 and we found ourselves about half way down the line of boats. Half way down Oulton Dyke the trip boat The Waveney Princess overtook the boats behind and us, but then got stuck behind the boat in front of us as the fleet joined the Waveney and picked up speed. Shortly after we passed The Waveney Centre she drew over to the port bank and slowed down to let everyone pass. After that it was an uneventful and lovely cruise down the Beccles. The day was getting very hot again.

At Beccles we had been told to moor up in the midst of the boats instead of taking Tabitha down to her own mooring at the far end, so that was social. Broad Ambition came in immediately behind us, so we witnessed Purdey's spectacular leap for the quay heading (she only just about missed). 

The rest of the afternoon and evening were spent sitting under the shade chatting. Graham and I had our chilli as a late lunch and late afternoon we were serenaded by some sea shanties being played gently and beautifully on a nearby boat. When the music stopped a lady emerged from the boat with a small accordian and our group got chatting to her. She and her husband were with a group of other boat owners who spend a few weeks each year at Oulton and Beccles in August. I hadn't realised you could book to stay at the Yacht Stations that long. 

In the evening there was a cheese (and salads and cooked meats etc) buffet put on by Dave and the other organisers, supplemented by Peter's (Grendel) excellent and freshly made bread  

All in all it was a wonderful day, and I'm still amazed that Graham and I are here and part of it. 






Little Tabitha Rose tucked in the middle of her larger sister boats. 


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One of the things I love about this Wooden Boat Show is how relaxed it all is.

Graham and I were a bit later getting up this morning. I went for a shower in the nearby toilet blocks just after 8. After that we were considering whether to go to the new deli on Feb Lane for breakfast when Peter arrived with a gift of a couple of his freshly made savoury pastries (see above) ...much better than any deli!

Some last minute tidying of boats went on this morning prior to the start of the 'show' late morning. I popped to the nearby Lidl to get us some more beers.

When I got back, people were mostly sitting out again, chatting, and some other members of the forum turned up, first Paul (Peter's Joy), whose boat is moored in a nearby Beccles yard and a short while later Kate (kpnut) arrived, having caught buses from Acle to Beccles.

Late morning we were given a commemorative mug and a journal of the show, which listed the boats taking part and more details of some of the boats. We were also  given a quiz sheet with questions about each boat, the idea being that you had to go around and meet the owners of each boat to find out the answers, and cards to nominate our favourite boat (these were later used to award prizes for best in show). So the afternoon was spent milling around visiting each others' boats and chatting to people we hadn't yet met. The boats were amazing... obviously much pride and joy is lavished on them. 

Grendel's model of Broad Ambition was set up in pride of place behind her big sister. 

As well as all the privately owned boats, the couple that run Eastwood Whelpton had made the effort to being Moorhen down to the show (wow...considering this must be their peak season).

 Early evening there was a prize giving for the quiz (I won an extra mug) and the best three boats (certificates were handed out) and then we all gathered in various groupings with drinks and nibbles for the rest of the evening. 

Kate had stayed with the show until after the prize giving. Graham had offered to drive her back to Acle, but as they were preparing to depart the couple from Eastwood Whelpton said they were going back to Ranworth via Acle, so they gave Kate a lift instead. 

Shortly before sunset the elderly gent who used to own Tabitha Rose arrived accompanied by his family. It was lovely to meet them. I read in the journal that Tabitha Rose is one of only three boats that have attended all the Wooden Boat Shows that have been held to date, so I can see why Dave was so keen that she should attend.

The last few days have flown by, we've had such a good time. It's so wonderful to be able to mingle and socialize again. 






Tabitha Rose.






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We saved the biggest adventure 'til last...I broke the boat! Either that or it broke me!

It was another leisurely start this morning. One or two boats left. There was a boat jumble on the green behind the Yacht Station. Some people were sitting around chatting, planning to stay at Beccles until tomorrow. We were planning to leave early afternoon, but thought we'd have a final pootle up or down river first. Dave suggested Geldeston, so that's what we did, going as far as The Locks and then turning around.

However, she wouldn't start. Dave checked the batteries, which seemed to have charge but eventually jump started her, so we were good to go. I was starting to throttle forward but was halted by a 'whoa!'...we hadn't unplugged from shore power. (DOH! First time ever we've done that!)

Finally we were off and had a very pleasant trip, other than having some difficulty turning at The Locks. Tabitha doesn't do zig zags and is really easy to steer straight, but she doesn't seem to like to turn, at least not to port. It didn't help that the wind was pushing me sideways and canoes snuck up behind and in front of me just as I was trying to manoeuvre.

Back at the Yacht Station I thought it would be best to take her down beyond the Harbour Masters office to her own mooring, rather than return to the mooring we'd been on for the last couple of nights.

The stern mooring seemed to be going okay, but then I thought I'd straighten up a bit more and moved out again. Mistake! a. The wind caught the boat and b. I (or rather Tabitha) lost reverse power! Luckily there was a mooring free opposite, so I was able to nudge the bow into there. Dave came over and he and Graham pushed the boat out again, but facing up the dyke so, under Dave's direction I was able to nudge Tabitha's bow into her mooring then Dave, Peter (Grendel) and the Harbour Master turned her on her ropes.

What an end to our time at the Wooden Boat show! It was all too perfect really, so it was about time something less than perfect happened. I'm sure we'll be recounting the incident of the loss of reverse power for years to come!

Sorry, no photos from today. I was too busy! :default_blink:

We had a good trip back, getting home before 5. 

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9 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

We saved the biggest adventure 'til last...I broke the boat! Either that or it broke me!

It was another leisurely start this morning. One or two boats left. There was a boat jumble on the green behind the Yacht Station. Some people were sitting around chatting, planning to stay at Beccles until tomorrow. We were planning to leave early afternoon, but thought we'd have a final pootle up or down river first. Dave suggested Geldeston, so that's what we did, going as far as The Locks and then turning around.

However, she wouldn't start. Dave checked the batteries, which seemed to have charge but eventually jump started her, so we were good to go. I was starting to throttle forward but was halted by a 'whoa!'...we hadn't unplugged from shore power. (DOH! First time ever we've done that!)

Finally we were off and had a very pleasant trip, other than having some difficulty turning at The Locks. Tabitha doesn't do zig zags and is really easy to steer straight, but she doesn't seem to like to turn, at least not to port. It didn't help that the wind was pushing me sideways and canoes snuck up behind and in front of me just as I was trying to manoeuvre.

Back at the Yacht Station I thought it would be best to take her down beyond the Harbour Masters office to her own mooring, rather than return to the mooring we'd been on for the last couple of nights.

The stern mooring seemed to be going okay, but then I thought I'd straighten up a bit more and moved out again. Mistake! a. The wind caught the boat and b. I (or rather Tabitha) lost reverse power! Luckily there was a mooring free opposite, so I was able to nudge the bow into there. Dave came over and he and Graham pushed the boat out again, but facing up the dyke so, under Dave's direction I was able to nudge Tabitha's bow into her mooring then Dave, Peter (Grendel) and the Harbour Master turned her on her ropes.

What an end to our time at the Wooden Boat show! It was all too perfect really, so it was about time something less than perfect happened. I'm sure we'll be recounting the incident of the loss of reverse power for years to come!

Sorry, no photos from today. I was too busy! :default_blink:

We had a good trip back, getting home before 5. 

Hello Helen we have all done that at least once, I have suggested to all of our owners that they put the hook up cable around the helm or morse control so it can be seen.



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Oh yes Helen, I’ve done it too. I now have a sign I put on the steering wheel. Most embarrassing!

Sounds like you had fun today, with Tabitha Rose; every day is a learning day. As Grendel said, she had other ideas about finishing her adventure. 
What were the dinosaurs all about in your photos?

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17 minutes ago, kpnut said:

What were the dinosaurs all about in your photos?

No idea, it may have just been a fun idea of the chap whose boat the dinos were on. Unless someone else from the show can enlighten us. They were fun though, and lit up once the sun had set. 

Tabitha Rose had her timing spot on. Just imagine if the reverse had failed when we were up at the Geldeston locks. At least Dave and others were around to help out at Beccles. 

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11 hours ago, YnysMon said:

No idea, it may have just been a fun idea of the chap whose boat the dinos were on. Unless someone else from the show can enlighten us. They were fun though, and lit up once the sun had set. 

Tabitha Rose had her timing spot on. Just imagine if the reverse had failed when we were up at the Geldeston locks. At least Dave and others were around to help out at Beccles. 

As Lovejoy had only just been re launched after a bucket load of work I didnt have time to sort out lights and flags. 

I asked Mrs Lovejoy if she could bring some sort of lighting from the Christmas box and she arrived with the dinosaurs. Thats about it really. No reason other than they were first thing out of the box


I may very well bring them again next year though.  

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