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Happy Christmas Eve


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well today, I did my christmas shopping, then it was time to supervise the CNC router while it printed some snowflake baubles as presents for the kiddies boxing day round my sisters, after which the Crackling gammon went on and was cooked (the lidls stuffed turkey breast will be done tomorrow).

played around for a bit testing LED's in the clear snowflake baubles that ran over the edge of the sheet, had some chinese for tea, yep christmas preparations achieved in one day, and finished by 7pm. not bad if I say so myself.

oh yes when i popped into B&Q they were selling off the christmas trees 10p each, I didnt get one as I dont have space and the cats would trash it in seconds.

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As Bikertov reported, now’s the time to go shopping if you can withstand the potential stress of being without. I’d have a plan b and not be fussed to be honest. I hate waste. But even the food banks doing soup etc will now have their ingredients in. Hopefully enough freezer space to make soup and freeze it. 

I’m so pleased Lulu’s mum’s oven failings were sorted. Well done Graham. We’d been talking to each other earlier about our respective christmases and when we last spoke, things were all on track at her end. 

Not so at my end - 

daughter and son in law turned up last night from Manchester airport having been touring Europe for two weeks, using trains and buses. Catherine is having a very nauseous pregnancy and is gradually getting better. 
I was looking forward to a fairly quiet day, just getting the veg from the allotment, prepping it and the turkey and chatting about their trip. Not to be, Catherine tested positive for Covid this morning!

With my son Richard arriving from Scotland for a few days off from various gigs and playing engagements as a freelance musician, he can’t afford to get Covid. 
We agreed he’d come, say hello and they’d leave but on the phone he was coughing so much catherine thought he was worse off than her, although it’s not Covid (according to the lateral flow results he’s done every day). It’s a cough/cold that was getting better until playing somewhere on Thursday where the smoke machine on stage went a bit berserk! And has now set him off coughing again. Last year in the same venue it set off the fire/smoke alarm and the place was evacuated with the fire brigade in attendance. You’d think they’d learn wouldn’t you?

Bottlm line -Roald battled with a Tesco to go and buy food to take home, I made a pie, a crumble and a trifle for them to take, I packed the men off to firstly the allotment and then to take the dogs out while I set-to with a rushed dinner.
So we’ve had our Christmas dinner a day early, with Catherine in the living room and us in the kitchen, Catherine’s now in bed and they’ll leave in the morning. No presents done as Richard didn’t want to come in the same room as Catherine, so he, Tony and I will do it all over again, with presents tomorrow. Well, without the cooking!

Merry Christmas everyone, I don’t often say that AFTER my dinner!


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