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who rules your house


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I remember when my parents bought their first boat. The boatyard owner looked at my father and said....


"You are the captain of this boat at all times. There can be only one captain. The boat is the captains responsibility at all times, the buck stops there."


Then he looked at my mother and said...


"Isn't that right Admiral"

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My hubby only think's he does, but that's what I let him think, we girls have a knack for that.


So all you men who think you wear the trousers you actually don't Lol  :naughty:



Grace! We the men let you think that we think we wear the trousers, because we know the woman will say she does, in reality we just let you think that because as everyone knows, the woman will have the last word and it's just not worth the arguing, so as long as we let the woman think she's the Boss we get a nice quite life, and if your other half is anything like me, when we ask for something for say the boat or something shiny,(we love shiny things) and you say no! I wait a week and say you know that thing we were talking about buying, well I agree with "YOUR" idea and should get it, as long as I can turn something around so that it seems like her Idea I'll get it, if it's my idea there's no chance, I've used this for 38 years and it works every time, so we can be just as devious as you women. We know that when you get that new dress out the wardrobe, and we say is that new? and you reply no I've had it for ages I've just never worn it, or I got it in a sale, your a big fibber and it's brand new and you paid full price,,


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Man up Martin! start by saying in a minute, after a few weeks go to I'll do it soon, then after a few months just say OK, then what you do is let Carol tell you to do something ten times, and make some excuse like I forgot and don't do it until your ready, do this a few times, the next step is when you know something needs doing do it straight away, or the same thing if Carol ask you to do something, then revert back to the first bit for a while, that way she will learn that if she keeps asking you! you will ignore her, but if she only ask's once you will do it but in your own time, it's also a good way to get shiny things or stuff you want even if you don't need it, you just say I can't do it because I havn't got the right tool or shiny thing you want, that way she may let you buy it just so you will do the job,,,



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Oh No! me be quite and suffer, No, No, No! I've learnt to be sneakier than her and stay one step ahead, as long as she thinks she's in charge, she is happy and leaves me alone, meaning I'm happy being left alone, I must admit she hold the purse strings, but that was sneaky on my part, doing all those bills takes time, and I've got better ways to waste my time, everything is in Judi's name except the boat, that way when she says she's had enough of me, I say fine I'll go live on the boat then, sadly that hasn't worked yet but I'm working on it, I'm not sure about cricket balls, but I do know big wooden ash trays travel at the speed of light, and I've been know to wind her up just to get peace and quite, she tends not to argue she just doesn't speak to me for a few days, It's great,, :dance



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That's it Martin... you got it in one....I do seem to remember last year when you were filling your boat up with water (literally ) the two so mentioned bosses were sitting down stuffing themselves with strawberries and plumbs and guzzling wine... yep they were most definitely the bosses that day.

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I would like to tell you all that I am in charge in my house........

But that is only when the Boss tells me that I am.

Lucky for me she lets outsiders think that I am.

When my wife is out my daughter is then in charge.

My only solace is that the dog does what I tell him.

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It is a well known fact that in life men make all the important decisions, leaving the trivial ones to the ladies. It will be the men who discuss and decide whether or not we should be in Afghanistan, how Scottish devolution will or will not be organised and how best to plan a space craft to land on a comet.

All the ladies have to worry about is whether or not there's enough money to pay the mortgage/rent this month, should the kids have new shoes this month or next and how they can be fed on what's left of the housekeeping.



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As I have said, I may not rule the household.....


But, I don't know how the washing machine works...never used any of them......

The iron, baffles me, if you leave it on Mrs DG's favourite dress, thinking you will help her get ready quicker for a night out (a long time ago) and then answer the phone, it leaves a triangular burn on it.... never used it again

Then the washing up, break just one plate (again a long time ago) and you don't have to wash the pots again....


But she is the boss...


nearly 25 years of marriage, used the washing machine once, or maybe twice, and that was when we first lived together to show her how to do it......

Ironed my own trousers (to get a nice crease) two or three times, then burnt her dress.. never ironed again

washed the pots, broke one, never again did I have to don the marigolds....


Yup, she is definitely in charge....



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Ah! but have you ever made the bed??? you nicely plump the pillows, shake out the Duvet make sure it's on the bed with no creases, Yup! perfect,,, five minutes later from said bedroom, "how come you never make the bed properly?" me from lounge "there's nothing wrong with it, anyway I want to sleep in it not look at the Bloody thing"  Oh no! not good enough for Judi,  same thing when I used to Iron or do the Hoovering, not good enough for Judi, so I stopped doing it, and now it's "you never do anything" I have decided that as mere men we can't win whatever we do, so now I'm an expert at doing nothing unless it involves the boat,, strange thing is I took care of myself for years before I married, my flat was spotless and there was nothing around the house that a woman could do and I couldn't, when you marry they should add an extra vow, "I promise to be useless and not survive without you" :norty: 

One of these days Judi will read some of my post on here and I'll be in deep Doo Doo! :cry



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