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Thanks everybody. I am trying to make a 4K classic happen. Any Broadophiles out there want to help me out with the video? Just post a quote of what epitomises the Broads for you personally, or a moment you recall, but must be a one-liner. I want to include some quotes and try to communicate these moments with images. At the end of your quote tell me who I should say said it!

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HI Paul


I have spoke to you before over at YouTube, just before you posted Broadophile, I am really looking forward to seeing your next broads video. I've watched your video so many times, I know all you favourite places, Ranworth, Horning mile, Stracey arms, Oulton broad and How Hill. It would be good to see your opinion on Coltishall, Ludham village, Neatishead and a few of the southern gems, like Loddon and Reedham. For me, what epitomises the Broads is, waking up early and hearing the sounds of ducks and geese and realising that you are on the Broads, then opening the curtains and seeing the picture perfect place where you moored the night before, and then planning where would be good to visit later.


We'll be there in late April, will stand you a drink if we spot you with your trusted camera.



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Great Simon, thanks for the quote, I know the feeling, especially when the sun is shining!

I just signed a contract with a large company in New York to show my films on their 4K showcase, they gave me a channel, so it looks like the Broads will soon get some 4K exposure in the US, Canada and Mexico. I will try to post another oldie from 2001!


P.S. For those who don't know what 4K is, it is four times the resolution of HD, very clear and colourful.

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Hi Paul


That's great Paul, I will watch out for that, I am already following you YouTube. Is that the broads visit you did with you Mum for the last time? She seemed a lovely lady, what does Asaleftah mean, I've checked Yorkshire phrases online but can't find an explanation of that one.

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Hi Simon,

I actually did one more visit with her the next year, 2001, when Rachel and Nate came too, it was a family video and I used non copyright free music and cannot change it now as I lost the original edit file. It is a real fun video so I'll see what I can do with it. It is shot in digital SD.

As for the phrase "assle efta", online is not the place to look, just ask a Tyke. It is simply the way we say "I will have to..." Next time Google my childhood friend Ian McMillan! He has a T-shirt that says "I don't need Google, I'm married to a Yorkshire Lass!

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