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The fishing lesson


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It has fallen upon dear old grandad (that will be me then!) to teach Major and Minor Wussername the art of course fishing during the summer holidays.

The present Mrs Wussername (bless) has purchased, a rod £17.00, including the reel. Yet another raid on my meagre pension.

Major is seven years of age, Minor is four. The one fishing rod, to be shared, will create the perfect storm.

However, despite my feelings Mrs W has showed a determination, a reluctance to compromise, my advances have all been rebuffed. Reminds me of that night we first " walked out together"

The fishing lesson will take place. To avoid a touch of the vapours from Granny Wussername.

There is however another problem.

Give the poor old donkey another whack!

The donkey in this particular instance is Grandads pension yet again.

Does he have to buy a license?

Even though he is not fishing, simply teaching his well honed skills.

Old Wussername.

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Hi Wussername and welcome


I agree with Martin, providing that it is Major and Minor who are actually fishing they don't need a licence. You are just showing them how to do it.

I will put money on it though  that once you see how good the fishing is you will be hooked and will have a licence in no time.


Tight lines. 

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Just don't let Major, Minor or even Minimus take up carp fishing, that would be surefire decimation of your already meagre pension! A pensioner's licence is, if my addled brain remembers right, £18.00. Mrs W might like to treat her Mr W to one for his birthday present, even if it's a few months in advance. Not as good as a bus pass but still pretty useful. Might pay to  buy a 2m 'whip' for Minor, just a few quid in Lathams.

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Back in the day, my brother had a junior licence?

1 rod two contenders, I'd get a fishing net as well!

JM is oh so right, carp fishing boils yer brains and empties yer bank account....as owning a wooden boat does not of course! ;p

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John you beat me to that link, that's all we have for our once a year trip. Nothing wrong with the gear we're going down for the another landing net.


May get the pole for Kaz to try, casting and trees come back to mind and it may help.


Don't worry Clive won't be putting Broadway in the bushes like Melody lol.

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John. scour this link for hints & help:


Personally I'd head towards Avenue Angling either in the City or at Ellough just outside Beccles, top people. For £50.00 you ought to be able to get a good starter kit.

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John, Fladden gear is normally very good but that basic kit is a spinning rod and really two short for general fishing. 3m really is the minimum that you would need.



Peter's hit the nail on the head there, almost all of the "starter kit" telescopic rods are too short, and a little too stiff and heavy for lightweight float fishing.


The elusive "general purpose rod" doesn't really exist, only compromises that make most of them not very good for anything, and they could easily put a newcomer off fishing for ever.


Every angler dreams of big fish, but the reality is that most bites will be from quite small fish, up to about 6 inches long.  There's still great enjoyment in that though,  the dip of the float, or the flick of the rod tip, the strike and then reeling it in.


With small fish the experience is greatly enhanced with the correct lightweight tackle, whereas a cheap, short,  telescopic rod can seem as stiff as a broomstick, reducing the feedback hugely.


Also, when float fishing nervous fish in stillwater with the correct small floats and very lightweight shot, it's much easier to cast any distance with a rod at least 3m long, but damn near impossible with a short stiff telescopic rod.


If I could only have one fishing rod (perish the thought :) ), it would be a 10 to 12ft three section float rod, with an end fitting to take a quiver tip for lightweight ledgering as well. 


I guarantee that if the average "general purpose" telescopic rod owner tried it for a few minutes, they'd buy one.

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Thank you, guys. That link is really very useful to a novice like me! 


I used to angle every weekend with my Dad at the sandpits of North Somercotes in NE Lincolnshire when I was a young boy but nothing for the last 60 years or so. We mainly caught perch and roach, I recall and Mum's rock-cakes were consigned to the deeps as groundbait!

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John, on this one Strowager speaks with much wisdom. If there is a universal Broads rod then I suppose the John Wilson Avon/Quiver is as near as any out there. They come up on e-bay quite regularly.


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Norfolk does not have Boyes stores but I do recommend them for cost conscious anglers. It's possible to pick up some serious bargains.


Major and Minor don't need a rod licence but senior does...well he would on the waters where I am a bailiff. Although the adult is not fishing there are times when he will have to pick up the rod etc to demonstrate to the kids.


When I was taught to fish as a kid Dad went into the importance of holding a license, so much so he held it up as 'badge of honour' to hold one, so as soon as I was old enough to warrant the junior license I was as keen as mustard to get one...'real angler' then you see. I've passed that philosophy onto my lad who is proud as punch to have a license, and we also pass it onto junior members of our club. They way we do it is to let them know that you can do some serious damage with a fishing rod its a bit like owning a gun. Dramatic I know but it does get the message across about the license and 'good' fishing practices.


As they have a haberdashery department the other thing that Boyes is a good source of is 'stitch counters'. As we don't allow keepnets on our waters we give the kids one so they can keep a track of the fish they catch...number of fish over size or weight of fish.


I have to admit I get a bigger kick out of teaching the kids to fish and how to target a specific species that I ever did in things like fishing matches.

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