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Awkward question


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I've had an idea that needs much the same sort of material that boat canopies are made of.

Part of the problem I have is that I'd very much rather not say what this idea is, however, I'm going to need a lot of the material. (quite a few rolls) so for it to be economically viable, I rather need to order direct from the manufacturer.

It rather follows therefore that I'm going to need quite a few samples of the available materials too.


Further information I need now is...


Does anybody have any experience of the acrylic canvas style canopy?... and

Does anyone know the names of companies who manufacture these materials?

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We have found the acrylic fabric to be absolutely superb as a canopy material. It's strong, weathers well, folds down easily and is simple to clean. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend it and would happily use it again.


As the fabric was supplied via a boatyard when they made the canopy, I'm afraid I have no idea as to the original manufacturer/distributor...sorry.

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I suspect you would end up paying a fortune for whole rolls of the stuff here if it is £14.00 to £16.00 odd per metre.


I’ve found a link to a factory making the stuff over in China – worth emailing and see what they can quote for shipping a large quantity.


Between $3 and $5 per metre (min order 100 metre) - http://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Acrylic-Fabric_611791072.html


On www.alibaba.com if you looks your find factories producing the allsorts of fabrics, tarpaulins and so on just takes some time going through the pile so to speak.

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it might also be worth while contacting marquee companies to find where they get it or if they could supply it to you. we once made a tent canvas (Viking) from the backdrop curtains from an old theatre, or another source you might be able to get some second hand from would be the side curtains from lorries - maybe a haulage company might have some older ones that had been replaced.


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