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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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26 minutes ago, Andrewcook said:

I think Griff wants to sing like the Three Tennnners when approaching Bridges and Griff can take Broad Ambition through Wrexham Bridge and back wards with ease.:default_beerchug:

Hi Andrew don't know whether we would put 30 quid (three tenners) on him passing under Wrexham bridge.

I would however bet my BoXXocks to an acre of swede that he would get under Wroxham Bridge .

There is a boater  that posts on this forum that will appreciate that wager.

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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A great day yesterday 

Four of us departed home at 0630. Stopped around the 80 mile marker for a FCE. Then onto the NDR & The Mid  Norfolk Shooting Ground for around three hours. 100 cartridges each expended plus drinks in t clubhouse. Proper enjoyment. Then onto ‘B.A’. Cracking cruise down to Griffs Corner. I was duty chef, the lads got busy tidying up t bank. Two strimmers, rake, loppers. More in t morning 




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Yesterday berthed outside the Swan (£10, £5 back if you eat) for a couple of hours then onto Wroxham, through at 6ft6” on t board. Quick dash to supermarket then onto the common at Coltishall. I ended up being duty chef again somehow. Oven chips, fillet steak, etc. then fishing, libations and tv. 
This morning I’m fishing, Purdey on t bank, rum coffee, lads slumbering 





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Fishing was good until a pike latched onto a roach

I would say eating onboard is cheaper, especially when the crew has provided it

Stopped at Wroxham for an hour. Through bridge at 6ft6” then non stop to Bridge Inn at Acle for tea at 2000

Wx has been just fine

There’s a rumour we sail at 0615 in t morning for Norwich :default_icon_e_smile:


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We had a dry run all the way to Norwich, it warmed up nicely, down came the canopy. We stopped at Reedham for breakfast in t cafe and topped up with fw (free)

On entering the yacht station the Ba quay guy gestured us to slow down, I checked the gps = 3:8mph of which I informed him, he then said it’s your wash - Really? (‘B.A’ hardly produces a ripple at that speed) I said - Oh you mean the tsunami following us? :default_rolleyes:

After we had tied up he came for our mooring fee and was as nice as could be - Strange :default_blink:

Tomorrow it could be Loddon for overnight with a stop somewhere enroute 


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14 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

We had a dry run all the way to Norwich, it warmed up nicely, down came the canopy. We stopped at Reedham for breakfast in t cafe and topped up with fw (free)

On entering the yacht station the Ba quay guy gestured us to slow down, I checked the gps = 3:8mph of which I informed him, he then said it’s your wash - Really? (‘B.A’ hardly produces a ripple at that speed) I said - Oh you mean the tsunami following us? :default_rolleyes:

After we had tied up he came for our mooring fee and was as nice as could be - Strange :default_blink:

Tomorrow it could be Loddon for overnight with a stop somewhere enroute 


I'm around the Loddon area today. Just left Dutch tea gardens heading in that direction 😀

I'm on Pacific Spirit , hopefully pass each other at some point 😃

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30 minutes ago, Wonderwall said:

I'm on Pacific Spirit , hopefully pass each other at some point 😃

Did I not see Pacific Spirit between Acle and Thurne yesterday when I was out walking? If so, you’ve covered a fair few miles in the past day. 

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15 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

We had a dry run all the way to Norwich, it warmed up nicely, down came the canopy. We stopped at Reedham for breakfast in t cafe and topped up with fw (free)

On entering the yacht station the Ba quay guy gestured us to slow down, I checked the gps = 3:8mph of which I informed him, he then said it’s your wash - Really? (‘B.A’ hardly produces a ripple at that speed) I said - Oh you mean the tsunami following us? :default_rolleyes:

After we had tied up he came for our mooring fee and was as nice as could be - Strange :default_blink:

Tomorrow it could be Loddon for overnight with a stop somewhere enroute 


I think you are being a tad harsh on the Quaysman. He does not know your competence or any other helm. What he wants to see is all boats approaching "Dead Slow" for damage limitation. Imagine an 8 tonne GRP hitting your wooden pride and joy at 3:8mph! If it got you amidship you could be off the water for a very long time.

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The guy has met us before and chatted. He was fine again this morning, even mentioning our Lads week

Today is grey, cool, overcast. Past Brundall heading for Loddon. We stopped at Thorpe cafe for breakfast, (the former Kingfisher yard) - very nice


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