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warning boat theft and tresspassing


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be warned we have noticed and been told of  a boat or two moving around broads poss  one cruiser poss  one yacht /day boat of sorts with outboard and electric motrs

poss or suspect boarding boats at nite and land  shed


they may more next to you or you know them


these boats have been spotted from oulton to stalham to wroxham  horining,  Norwich, potter all over they move around


been seen acting very suspicious too very investgitive looking at all and not a normal activerty

very noisey .................like to make several trips to way up the boats too


missing items little thing inside boats and diesel and petrol feul etc and more


they seem to move around and are very quite poss use electric outboard to aid


a few engine have been part removed already to come back later to remove but were foiled in attempt and boats were removed to safer place


police have been informed ................and told of the info from land onwers and boater too


keep look out report all to the police ..................



or batter with base ball batt or just do them its prob easier


they  need to be stopped and removed from our area



I,monly up set as these have been more prolific in last few yrs ie 13 months or so .....................some sort of pattern .......


keep a look out .......................................



orf my land



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Sorry to read this Jon, I am not a local but I am sure the many members that are will keep a sharp eye.


I like your baseball bat idea, certainly would make these creatures think twice about taking well earned possessions from normal hardworking people, get off their backsides and get a job like everyone else and of course get orf my land :naughty:


Grace :kiss

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Such a shame to read these.. It's not what you expect from lovely norfolk.. Lets hope these perpetrators get unstuck and get caught.. Maybe Jon (and Mrs Broadscot) need to start doing security patrols ;) Keep us updated though


:wave and  :welcome: to the forum from me too cheers 

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I fear that outboard motor theft is now here to stay, on a nationwide scale.


If you Google it, you will see that it is now carried out on an industrial scale, far greater than just here on the Broads.


It's often attributed by the Police to organised Eastern European gangs, working their way around the country, and then shipping the stolen motors by container across  Europe.


All that we can realistically do is to ensure that we are adequately insured, and that all the required security locks have been complied with.


Talking about punishing the perpetrators may make people feel better, but if we ever faced the gangs doing it, I think we might be more concerned with our lives.


Here's a typical large scale incident at Hythe, a couple of weeks ago....



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If they cant stop a multi million pound jewellery heist in a safe deposit emporium (or catch the perpetrators) , I doubt a few outboards will cut much weight. :River Police


This isn't new, maybe just getting reported more and maybe the thieves are getting more "talented" and organised.


Does a busy marina with live aboards make it safer? I would have thought maybe so, but some thieves are very brazen and people are often scared or just don't care enough to challenge them. And who knows how dangerous a challenged thief (s) will end up being!


It is a shame things get like this though as it is often normal people who have saved a few quid for bit of recreation that get affected - it's too obvious stealing a £2m yacht.

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Thought I'd better pop up to the boat last night as I moor at one of these places. Walk to boat and hoods open great, only been on the broads 9 days. They have been right through my boat and taken my tools and spot light so in all about £100 so about £20-30 at car boot. Thankfully they opened the hood with the zip not a Stanley knife. I hope they die a slow painful death. Back up tomorrow to meet the police. I knew when I took the mooring it was pretty isolated and it might happen just didn't think just yet.

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Thought I'd better pop up to the boat last night as I moor at one of these places. Walk to boat and hoods open great, only been on the broads 9 days. They have been right through my boat and taken my tools and spot light so in all about £100 so about £20-30 at car boot. Thankfully they opened the hood with the zip not a Stanley knife. I hope they die a slow painful death. Back up tomorrow to meet the police. I knew when I took the mooring it was pretty isolated and it might happen just didn't think just yet.

Hi John,


Sorry to read that the thieving scum bags have entered your boat. I sincerely hope these evil gits are caught soon. Sadly, I doubt it though, but, would be delighted to be proved wrong!



cheers Iain

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Hi John


 I am so sorry your Boat has been broken into. Scum bag and gits are mild terms of describing these creatures if you ask me, at least they opened the canopy as opposed to slicing through it with a knife, how very decent of them.


Let's hope they are caught soon, unfortunately (not the Police's fault) they will probably get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again by our court system, not hung drawn and quartered or keel hauled like most of us would like to see them get


A very warm welcome aboard the Forum from me John :wave



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Sorry to read about your breakin John. Theiving scum seems an approriate term.


What we need is a "Jack in a box" mechanism hidden in a jewelry box filled with Sh*t.


Hopefully a long hot summer of lazing around on your boat will help dull the anger you justly feel.

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Sorry to hear that John, hopefully they will fall in and drown sooner or later.

Welcome to the broads and all that...

cheers dave what with the idiot hire boat owner and breaking down last weekend was not great. But then they say things happen in threes so hopefully the rest of the season will be incident free.

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