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Utter Shock This Morning


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Typing some correspondence this morning and Toby the beagle, Dylly's brother, suddenly indicated he was going to vomit. I jumped up out of my chair and opened the door to let him outside before he graced my carpet. Outside he vomited and then to my horror fell to the floor and started to fit, which lasted for around four minutes but seemed like hours. My neighbour thankfully came to help fetching my car keys as I retrieved Toby's tongue as the little lad had swallowed it. I cleared his airway and we picked Toby up into the car and rushed him to the vets.


On the drive down to the vet Toby began to slowly come out of his fit. He was administered oxygen at the vets to help him recover. After a couple of hours observation Toby is now back at home with the fan on him to bring down his temperature, with me having instruction from the vet to sit with him and rush him back down if he fits again.Frightening experience, Toby is now being investigated for epilepsy. I'm being checked over for double incontinence after the fit & following the vet mentioning £1000 for an MRI scan.

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Poor toby :( .. hope he is ok keep us updated.. 


(Geoff a tenner? We pay £33 a month for our ships cat insurance although he's no youngster and it covers everything.. he's a right character so good to know he will get the best if he needs it). 

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oh dear, not a great thing to have happen. Owning 7 cats (one age 22) it would be difficult for us to get insurance at an affordable rate (especially for the older cats) so we rely on their being indoor cats and less prone to illness. we have had cats in the past that needed expensive treatments, sometimes if you are prepared to do some work yourselves, you can bring the cost down. one of our cats had diabetis, and required injections twice a day, we bought the insulin from the vets, but got the needles online at half the cost. when he was very ill over a weekend our vet told us that the weekend would cost us nearly £600 because they would need to send him to the local vetinary hospital, so that his blood sugars could be tested bi hourly, as the wife is diabetic, we decided to bring him home for the weekend, and used her test kit to monitor the blood sugars, took the readings and drew the graph of the results, this we were told on the monday morning when we took him back for continued treatment, was better than they would have got from the hospital, so its always worth talking through the options.

I do hope Toby recovers and that it was just a one off occurrance.


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Thanks for the good wishes everyone. Toby has spent most of the rest of the day sprawled on the sofa and in his usual spot sat on my window ledge. He seems no worse for wear, having gone for his usual walk through the woods this evening and wolfed down his tea. Although I have to say he is more cuddly than usual.


 Fortunately we have a good vet who prescribed and administered some eyedrops and clipped Toby's toenails while administering oxygen and bringing his temp down. I was expecting a big bill but was pleasantly surprised by only having to pay £32. The vet has told us to monitor him closely over the weekend and record any fits before bringing him immediately to the surgery, but above all keep him relaxed. I took this photo as I type this...paws in the air, tongue hanging out, do you think Toby is relaxed enough?


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One bit of history that might be helpful, Tim, we made sure Scamp was on a lead or indoors immediately after he had a fit; this was because he would run afterwards with no idea where he was for a while.

Toby fitted because of a high temp. however, so bringing it down will probably have sorted him.

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