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'Techy People' - advice sought


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I have a simple problem – at least I hope it is – and have an idea about what to do to overcome it but would rather any ‘techy’ person share their ideas on matters.

Long story short: My dad owns a property and we have made do with using a dongle to get the internet every now and then when needed – since to pay out for a perminant phone line and Broadband connection when no one is living their permanently would be a waste of money.

He has BT broadband however in London so this enables him to free access to many free Wi-Fi hotspots as a BT broadband customer.  We can pick up one such hotspot from the other place and use a laptop etc to get online – all simple so far. 

What we would he would like to do is connect something that only has an Ethernet connection so this cannot pick up the WiFi signal.

Is there a product that effectively can pick up the Wi-Fi signal coming in, but then either ‘re-transmit’ it from itself via Wi-Fi e.g. to boost it and also enable one to plug in a network cable for anything that has not got Wi-Fi?

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2 hours ago, Jonzo said:

Yep, a bridge is what you need. They can be had from about £15 nowadays (used to cost a fortune!)

Hang on a minute Skipper! Your telling me I can buy a "bridge" for £15 quid! We are spending Millions on a new Forth Bridge, so where does one buy one for £15?:naughty::naughty::naughty:


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I will let you know how things pan out - it is a set top box type thing, so not really 'configurable' - however looking at various options now, you can connect a bridge via Ethernet to a laptop - configure it to connect to a specific WiFi network and once connected, it will then be able to use that connected network to supply the internet to things plugged into it.

Where I bet I am going to have issue is the time 'leased' to the device.  E.g. it likely will work, but after a set number of hours or days it will disconnect as the lease expires.

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I got a Huawei 4g mifi a couple of years ago around £30 from fleabay also on fleabay I got 3x data sims £15 a piece, each lasts 3 months/6gig of download.

Last year we both watch different tv programs on tablets sat having a drink while the rain (monsoon) stopped us venturing to the White Horse.

It is worth it, we visit the boat 2 weeks a month so it is nice sometimes to have a bit of home comforts.


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