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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. Are they up to cooking 'Old Dad' a meal, Eric?
  2. The only time I've EVER been heard to swear was when in contact with French Air Traffic Control!
  3. Alan (JO) posted this last week just after the changeover. I too couldn't find them.
  4. You've got 5 weeks to get ready for the WRC Meet!
  5. Go to smilies, scroll down to "find emoticons" and put a full stop . into the box.. the others come up.
  6. You really do have an exciting (exhausting?) life, young Alan, don't you? If we'd had your last fortnight's holiday and now this then I think we might well consider our future aboard!
  7. Polly, hi. Wikipedia give as good a definition as I've seen: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yacht
  8. Can we hire it for next year's Spring Meet?
  9. Hello Ian and Pauline thanks for that. Now I'll have to ask if you'll tell us about the holiday, please?
  10. Now that I will disagree with, Peter! But only in the context that whenever we're afloat and aBroad bacon butties are a must!
  11. I've merged this, Neil..... the subject has already been posted
  12. Golly, Gosh, Neil... I first read that as "Warp's mind"..... Sorry, Mate!
  13. Here's my favourite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tueZ3wVYf_I If you start at 1min 58secs you'll see about how I last flew her back in the 90's when I took ATC cadets up for familiarisation rides. The only problem with Chippy aeros was that unless you were almost empty of fuel and on a very cold day, then you lost height as the sequence progressed!
  14. Myer, Hi. Good to hear you've had a great week! We look forward to your tips in the near future!
  15. Sailey, Hello from us.... Just caught your comment above and I have to contradict you a bit as our old Freeward 30, at 7+ tons, needed just that if we were to get across the North Sea in under 30 hours when going to windward!
  16. Where I first went solo in a Chippy in the '60's!
  17. I don't disagree with you, Peter but if you had a fire then I'm quite sure that the Ins. Co. would use it against you (the BSS regulation part 5)
  18. Buster, Hi Right click and save the image as.. then drag it from where you've saved it into your avatar pic on you profile page.
  19. In fact it directly says that: To avoid petrol leaking into the boat from fuel containers, they must be stowed in accordance with Standards 7.2 through to 7.8, e.g. in a fire resistant drained locker Also this comment is made in the part 5 regs: One boat owner had a nasty shock on a hot and sunny day. The petrol stored in containers on his deck was left in direct sunlight on one very hot and sunny day while the owner visited a local attraction. On his return, the boater decided to refuel his small outboard-engined boat, but forgot that vapours from the fuel would build up under pressure, because of the heat affecting the containers. When he opened the lid, petrol vapour escaped under high pressure and was ignited by what is believed to have been a discarded cigarette. The boater suffered significant burns to his arms as a result. [5.3]
  20. But I'm quoting directly from BSS regs, Peter and I didn't see anywhere that you could keep LPG bottles on the open deck.....
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