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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. I have done a bit of touristy thingy in Hull, even stayed in the Station Hotel. Also sailed to Holland and Belgium from there. The locals are very friendly, or appear to be The one place I struggled was the indoor market, the smell of fish made me nearly sick! Phewwww! Iain.
  2. Jef, If Clive gets many more feathers in his cap he had best take care, or he may have Macey dog and Griff "gunning" for him Iain.
  3. All this BSC talk of turning taps and switches off! Where is the silence the SWMBO button/switch? Iain.
  4. You forgot the LOTTERY TICKET Robin to pay for it all Iain.
  5. I think over forty years I have been double moored about six or seven times. In the days of NYS being busy it was boats of all sizes moored to you on the outside. At Reedham you were asked by the Ranger to tie to a certain craft, this may be for two reasons, one being the boat is not staying overnight, and he knew that, you were then able to pull your boat in on the ropes later. All very civil. However, at Horning, I have seen it turn nasty as the person in the inside came running out the pub shouting to the boat tieing up to his to move off. Some local worthy showed him the sign about double mooring. He departed mumbling. I hated my pint of Broadside being disturbed by such rantings! Iain.
  6. We were fortunate enough one Easter to hear the bells at Ranworch Church. The Vicar handed out mini choc eggs as we left after the service. Nice touch. Iain.
  7. A homemade firework! Did the drone start like this? http://theawesomer.com/insane-homebrew-rocket/303503/ Iain.
  8. That was the only reason I never hired one, getting on and off stern on! No rear door. Iain
  9. Vanilla Ice Cream and a pinch of salt! Oh Marina Iain.
  10. Griff, I have crossed on the P&O Pride of Hull in a 60mph, most enjoyable getting to the bar and back without spilling a drop! What tickled me was, the caberet carried on as normal, with the waves crashing into the bow and the curtains moving back and forwards. Iain.
  11. Hi All, For your information, I would think we would have a Team Meeting, decide to go for a week to the Bahamas, come back via Madiera then Tenerife, by then we would be feeling like not bothering giving you warning points. If all else fails, leave it to the Skipper, Jonzo Iain.
  12. Hi Grace, Living on the coast, and Troon in particular we are used to gales in the winter, these ones have been storm force and not abating much, so for the poor blokes going up poles to reconnect power can be a tad dangerous to say the least. When I played golf, you were at a loss as on non windy days here which clubs to use Iain.
  13. Hi All, I guess I am beginning to sound like an old 78 record thats stuck. Well basically its as naff as naffness can be again today. Very wet, very windy, with the houselights on. I hope they get the overhead lines sorted so that normal service resumes to Glasgow tomorrow for the working folks who commute from this area. Iain.
  14. Oh get knitting Grace Plain or purl PINK knitted fender covers . As the welsh would say..."There's lovelee" Iain
  15. Hi Marina, With regards to the RNLI, early in the year they don't push for donations as much, as peeps are recovering from the expense of Christmas. Well so I have been told in the past by our area Treasurer. Iain.
  16. I would imagine he is out on the hoof in London tonight dining in Mayfairs finest Scottish Resteraunt....Mc Ds Iain.
  17. Hi Alan, Well I am shocked, a floating "Bordello" whatever next Just love those coloured mood lights. Well being a sparky I would...wouldn't I? Bit concerned about the "cleaver" seat cover, very "clever" indeed All kidding Alan, I just coodny resist! More jobs ticked off the list. Iain.
  18. Hi Grace, Yep we have power thank goodness, but further north up Dingwall - Inverness things aint so clever. Friends in Skye have no power the last I heard. Not been out today, nor doubt tomorrow either. The old arthritis dizny like this kind of weather. Hope all ok down south. Take care. Iain.
  19. Hi Griff, I am sure inbetween the naff weather you had some cracking days up the west coast. Crinnan Canal I have only seen on TV and at the end of navigation, looks a lovely trip to take. The hail is stoating aff the windae as I type just now! Grrrr! Iain.
  20. Oh 58mph is a Zepher compared to up here just now Alan. I can tell you it aint pleasent at all. No trains for two days Ayr to Glasgow. Nor ferries to Arran. Iain.
  21. MM, Did they not realise you were MUDweight fishing as you cruised along Iain.
  22. MM, As you are moored I believe not that far from Stalham why not seek out if the gentleman is available, Mr Clive, and get him, or one of his staff to check your LJ out. Just a thought. Iain.
  23. A wee update, Its still wild n windy up here, I doubt very much if the Ardrossan to Brodick Ferry for the Isle of Arran has moved in three days. We have had hail, sleet and snow showers this morning. This is typical January equinox gales weather up here. On the bright side, it will soon be the start of the new boating season folks. Stay safe all. Iain.
  24. Hi Jon, I wish you well with the weather. We are into day three of very high winds up here. Not nice at all. I hope your yard and all others avoid any serious damage. Keep safe. Iain.
  25. Thanks for that Strowy Iain.
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