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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Tim, Dunno about the prune juice, but you could have a twin 6 year old brother, who loves Music Hall, well all proper live music anyway, me! Iain.
  2. Hi Robin, Crown Gem or Pacific Breeze? They should go through THAT bridge for you to explore Hickling etc. Iain.
  3. Hi Alan, That roundabout as you leave the A1 for the A17 is a race track, a real bottleneck during the daytime. We had a roundabout near Ayr that was similar. They have installed a computerised traffic light system and re-laned it there and it has made a huge difference. That would help I think at the Sleaford Roundabout also. Iain.
  4. Wow Tim, were you that young, once Iain.
  5. Hi Dave, Good points there, however, technically speeking the A17 has been upgraded in the past forty years. When I first drove down the A17 you went through all the villages like Long Sutton etc. A length of road I thought would never reach Kings Lynn after seven hours then. (the A66 was rubbish then also) The mistake they made IMHO they didn't make it a proper dual carriageway from Sleeford to Kings Lynn. Probably the government of the day could not afford it, or would have been held to ransom maybe from the farming community down the full length of that road, for the additional land. Iain.
  6. Hi BowWave BowWave, I don't know if you have been welcomed to the NBN Forum, and If you have my appologies for missing that. If not, may I welcome you to the NBN Forum Iain.
  7. Hi Monica, When you click on View new content, do you have on the left Forums link and past 24 hours highlighted from the link? If not try that. Hope that helps you. Iain.
  8. On my very first hire Peter Clarke of Porter & Haylett taught me how to do a clove hitch and I have used ever since. The only exception is, if at Norwich YS I put the rope through the ring and and back onboard for security reasons. Iain.
  9. You've done it now Tim, they use TWO Hankies that's why they go so fast Your chances of receiving lessons have just deminished by the factor of ONE hankie Iain.
  10. Frank, Up here, its described as Awe Picture ...Nae Sound! Iain.
  11. To both Alan's, With the PINK fenders, its sure to attract a lot of Forum Meet attention Iain
  12. You be very careful Alan, or I will report you to the Elf and Christmas Parcel Committee Iain.
  13. Oh I say Tim, are you related to that well known and loved? "Jeremy Clarkson" he has been known to say a few words about such forms of transportation! Iain
  14. Hi Paul, I've always prefered watching paint/varnish dry to going shopping! Iain
  15. Yup, you only have 38 shopping days left till Christmas Day Iain
  16. Hi Martin, I personally use iolo/System Mechanic, which I bought through AOL. It removes all the rubbish and keeps my lappy up to speed. For me, money well spent. Iain
  17. Hi Martin, I think a lot of peeps use this one....http://www.malwarebytes.org/lp/malware_lp_form/ Iain
  18. Mark, Would you like lucozade or orange for your hospital bed Brave man Iain
  19. Very good Gramps indeed, best get it typed out or you will have Gracie nippin yer ear Iain
  20. I've done other routes,had too one Easter, because of snow on the A66, came all the way down the M6 to Lutterworth turn off and came across the Fens. But, the A17 is the shortest route from the North. Iain.
  21. After five possibly six hours coming from the North, the A17 slip road from the A1 is no fun being stuck for anything up to forty minutes, then crawl along behind lorries and tractors on the A17, so sorry cannot agree with you. Iain
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