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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Well yes, JM, I think it's very likely that the business will diversify to create a pull beyond the seasonal visitors.
  2. Well I would guess that it's not cost the BA much. It will probably cost the village some tourist income as folk are going to go there instead of turning right for a longer walk into the village. I really wonder, though, whether the tearoom will be viable out of season.
  3. About 20 minutes walk or thereabouts, I think. It's up to the loos and car park then left onto the lane for a couple of hundred yards or so.
  4. I am partially deaf, I don't hear cycles approaching because the sound is out of my hearing range, cars will be a real issue.
  5. Kirkcaldy, Broon's constituency wasn't it?
  6. Dinghy -£8 Brilliant +£14 so not dreadful overall.
  7. We just propped up the garden fence with the spars and oars from the Whimp, hope they will hold it.
  8. I was rubbish at navigation, but at least on the Broads I can usually tell which way I am going......
  9. Doris might prove to be a rare handful!
  10. Yes, I never say when we are heading up to the Broads, but will have texted a few folk, shame because I'd like to be more informative. We were robbed whilst on the Broads a few years back, very worrying travelling back to see what was damaged/missing. We knew they were youths because they had been disturbed. Oddly I wasn't too distressed because I had taught scallywags for years so took it as being not monsters just chaotic kids. No, and no and no, I am not at all condoning badness, just that my level of surprise is not that high any more. Actually, I made no great secret of where we lived when teaching and I noticed that occasionally a scally would ask if I still lived there, we were never robbed at that time.
  11. Oh behave, that was NOT what I meant! Mutter, mutter,,,,,,,, sheep indeed!.........mutter mutter......... Cabin fever....good cold sail would sort him out.......mutter......
  12. BTW, there should be a dinghy protection society in respect of BA, I well remember being chased around Malthouse Broad in the Whimp until taking refuge in the shallows to avoid BA
  13. I think that bow fender falls short in some respects....not blue, not 'dangly' so not BA enough really....
  14. Dogs?? Does Macie have a rival for your affections?
  15. Polly

    Annual Moorings

    We were on Cator moorings at Ranworth for 11 years, they have most of the above and the village has the rest. 01603 270280
  16. Just a happy thought from Giles 1953; it's a double page spread so 2 pictures were required.
  17. I suppose the equation has to be whether the free wood is going to sit happily in a wet environment against the work it would take to replace it sooner than you would like if it doesn't?
  18. I remember that story well JM and seem to recall you were as concerned for the welfare of the lady's dogs aboard as for the lady herself. Lol
  19. Welcome, I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
  20. We often tow the Whimp alongside. Yes on a bridle, or on a short single line if we want neater tacks. Just depends on what we are doing.
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