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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Yes it’s easy to look strange in there
  2. It so depends on the boat and where you moor her. We have always been lucky with mooring, good people giving an eye on a more or less daily basis. Our first boat was plastic and low cost, we spent on extras as we chose. Now we own Brilliant, it’s a costlier process because she is a wooden boat; she is lovely, but a higher maintenance lady!
  3. Maybe it’s been fixed by now?
  4. I loove Kimi Raikonnen, he is so much his own person and let's the circus go on around him without being too bothered. I recall David Coultard saying that he's a real party animal in fact, 'just add alcohol'
  5. I followed up the Anthony Hamilton angle. He's on record as saying he thinks he should have stopped managing Lewis as soon as he got the first World Championship, but hung on too long.
  6. MM. The top 5% of earners contribute 26% or so of tax revenue, we can't afford too many non Dom earners. For the record, I think Lewis Hamilton deserves his 5 th Championship win.i also think that he conducts himself well as a driver and is a pretty good role model.
  7. He is a great driver, he knows he owes his family and team and says so. All good, so far, however, the private jet tax loophole reported last year, is unworthy if he wants to be respected as a British sports leader. I am cool with him having homes anywhere he likes, but think the primary home for tax purposes should be the UK.
  8. Whoopeeee! Entering this year.
  9. We have considered tentage and think it's a quick fix on Saturday, allowing everyone to enjoy the C in C. Anyone wishing to book Friday at Salhouse as individuals is welcome to do so of course
  10. My first observation is that Friday is a boat night as the island is cut off from land access. On foot visitors are wholly welcome on Saturday and Sunday when land access is available. Ranworth Island is limited as to numbers so some of us may raft up. Dog owners please specify as a 'special need' in the sign up thread.
  11. Ok guys, here it is! The Spring Event. May 17th 18th 19th 2019 We are starting at Ranworth Island on Friday Evening, moving all together in a Cruise in Company(CinC) on the Saturday morning to Salhouse Broad for mooring together for the rest of the time, barbecues music and fun. Please sign up on the other thread. I am posting this thread for queries and observations and request that any non booking posts go here.
  12. Ok guys, here it it! Please sign up here for the Spring Event. May 17th 18th 19th 2019 We are starting at Ranworth Island on Friday Evening, moving all together in a Cruise in Company(CinC) on the Saturday morning to Salhouse Broad for mooring together for the rest of the time, barbecues music and fun. Please sign up on this thread. I am posting a parallel thread for queries and observations and request that any non booking posts go there. Your Name. Boat Name . Number Aboard. Special Needs
  13. If there had been wind, I think it would have been entitled 'Three Men out of a Boat' ......although there was a decent amount of ballast!
  14. Now about the wine...... great to see you back.
  15. Reed and Rhond Anchor open
  16. Oh yes, Camp Coffee, Grandma always had that, yummy. There was, however a story..... Grandma's First World War experience was pretty bad,; although Grandad survived severe wounds, she was unforgiving of 'The Hun' and ran her own trade embargo ever after. Cut to the 1950's and our neighbour, Gisela's mother was over to visit. This lady was 'The Hun' in Grandma's book, and spoke no English which was a barrier too. One morning she staggered round clutching her throat and a bottle of Camp Coffee, Gisela was at work and, alone in the house, she had made herself a brew. The taste convinced her that she had poisoned herself and so had come for help. Grandma showed her her own bottle and they shared a sign language coffee morning. Teased by Dad later, Grandma remarked with dignity that she 'had decided to forgive her'.
  17. Good news! How do they do that? We would like a Nespresso
  18. I use a filter funnel machine most of the time I want ground coffee. We do have a lovely little stainless steel coffee expresso thingy like the ' Bialletti', it's no use getting aluminium on our hob, and anyway I don't trust the stuff. We also have a swish Italian job that steams the coffee and makes expresso, but takes its time rather so I get that out once in a blue moon.n We won't buy a pod job on account of the waste pods. Instant is Waitrose Colombian Fairtrade, nothing else beats it for me.
  19. Fishing, birdwatching, stargazing, playing board games with friends, drinking wine, sharing stories......what indeed? The best things on the broads are free.
  20. Remember gas mantels? Modern! We have oil lamps on Brilliant.
  21. Phil, had his brother's for David, it looked fine but we took it into the model shop where we were regular customers for checking over, which they did. They rang us up a few days later and condemned it as unsafe; there was a crack in the boiler we couldn't see. I am glad we didn't fire it up.
  22. Baco yes, Meccano yes, always tried to play with it when my brother's back was turned! Phill's brother had a Mamod, awesome thing, but the boiler split so we couldn't pass it on. David(Warp) is the owner of this Lego treasure trove. Every Christmas we would be building the next big Technic thing. Train, tank, helicopter, chassis, as pictured in the bath! Then it was remote controlled Tamiya cars, Dave as chief engineer and me as 'gofer'.
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