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Everything posted by Happy

  1. Should be interesting in my local on Sunday! Cheers.
  2. Good luck. Your money bucket is about to have a big hole in it! But Enjoy. Safe cruising.
  3. More 'disposable' than me then - maybe I should have saved some when I was younger!?
  4. Have you looked at the price of cruises lately? There are some real bargains to be had - and you don't have to cook or steer the ship!
  5. Yes. I thought you had gone quiet too - just knew there was a forum problem.
  6. Me too, unfortunately!
  7. Or moor up bloody early!
  8. There are other pubs available - thankfully.
  9. I often look at brokerage sites to see if any of my old boats are listed. Have not found any yet so assume people must be enjoying them - just as we did
  10. What a brilliant dog! Love him.
  11. Hi. I thought you worked for Volvo? I know its Marine Division but thought you would be getting a special deal?!
  12. In some ways I am glad I don't have a boat anymore, but I really do miss it! Good luck.
  13. Hi Gracie. Are you sure you are not getting a lush?
  14. What sort of temperature is it there? Here in Hawkinge, Kent its just started snowing!
  15. Happy


    Worst part of the holiday to come then? I am sure you will both be back soon? Good read. Thanks.
  16. Happy


    Thats the reason I prefer the swan. And the tatood girls too.
  17. Happy


    Got to be The Swan then? Good food and booze imho. My 'local' when staying there.
  18. Happy


    Love drinking but don't like walking much. However we are actually staying near Beccles and will have the car so no probs. She drives, I drink! Are they dog friendly? Thanks
  19. Happy


    Do you have to be a member to use the Caxton club and do you know if it it dog friendly? Thanks. Planning ahead!
  20. Gracie. I am sure your children are old enough to have respect for others. My comment was regarding children that are a lot younger and need parental guidence.
  21. What is up with these people? They would have been aware of the risks and asked to be seated where, should this happen, it would not affect someone out to enjoy himself. However from their reaction, what could you expect? Want to meet up and have a (lots) of beer with you but can we go somewhere else!?
  22. If it was that bad did you complain and what was the response? Only fair to ask so that we know what the problems are.
  23. I was told by a well known boatyard owner that if a boat had fitted covers over the windows outside it was because the windows leaked?!
  24. My son and his partner run our local village pub (nearly five years now) and when covid struck all their workforce were put on furlow. However, when it was time to re-open the pub the manager refused to come back to work and has not worked anywhere since and he was at least 15 years before retirement age!
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