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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Jon.. hold the 30foot one for us for easter next year please Wayford is close to the top of the list for us to be...
  2. Fresh update: They are on oulton broad.. is anyone there? They have selfishly moored out of reach of the webcam so I can't spy on them... Can anyone move them so they are in view??... Oh, They have promised it wasn't them speeding before! (Newbies... I'm only joking btw.. My parents are also on this forum (I was here first!) and to get them back for joining "my" forum . I'm posting their movements!.. they are having a brilliant time though!)
  3. Chris, as what Alan above says. Also try Maffett diesels.. he has a ton of spares and top bloke too.. (sorry should have thought of him first!)..
  4. Lol you go grace It's mad here now.. I can't keep up! I just had a text from the folks.. they are at beccles but despite reading my post on the bridge.. they aren't going to attempt it so they are off to Oulton broad now.. Lol as far as I know they are being good speed wise!
  5. I've seen her reply but not frequently either... Grace are you still with us??
  6. and welcome to the forum from me... Lacing Marine could be worth a try.. www.lacingmarine.com
  7. If money was no object.. I'd put the twin v8 petrols back into orca for the 5 mins of fun on breydon water.. (and keep the little vetus as a wing engine for the rest!)
  8. Just to add.. we have only managed to get under the bridge once on my folks boat (and shes marked as 8.6 but is really 8feet) the once we went under I was very nervous and we got back under on the same tide (I didn't dare stay overnight).. apparently my mum was nervous too (Mission accomplished! lol).. However before we went under we spoke at length with the harbour masters at beccles who assured it was ok (prior they advised it was a no goer).. (Parents don't know this bit - hahahaha!) I understand they live there and do understand the river through there.. so if your boat is close to 8 feet I highly advise having a good chat to them before you under... (But its well worth it!!).
  9. Lol how do you know? even worse how do they know lol I admit I am back on the adnams bitter and have a "few" bottles reserve until we can get back up!!
  10. Thanks Polly.. it really was hard work but don't tell the club we actually like the new spot we have a bit more space although can't see the boat from the sofa but I can live with that.. We was going to have a night off but as its lovely weather at the moment we really need to make the most of it.. I ran over (well slowly hobbled as everything still hurts from carrying the chocks around yesterday!) and under a lovely sunset I got another coat of 2 pack epoxy primer on the transom plate.. looks a bit better than it did.. looking forward to mounting it I'll stick another coat on tomorrow and then its read for the tie coat primer (then the special alloy antifoul (Black )... Daves over there too cleaning up the hole which is looking worse and worse it's still an ok fix but again it's annoying that the previous owner didn't fix it properly... Hopefully he can get it clean and start laying back up this week..
  11. No sorry, We only found Lower Halstow a few months back actually.. we moved here 3 years ago but haven't really got about much. Is it a good one? (we try to go into the tudor rose at upnor as that has a east coast feel to is).. the yacht club here has a bar too which doesn't help us try our local either!
  12. I'm sure many of us read that (i'm shocked!) and I'm the same will not happen here.. I certainly don't think hiding the post from the listings was a good idea.. Welcome over here though! I admit it would be nice to only have one forum to read though!
  13. Hi David, I'm sure others will reply.. although I get my parents boat through which is 8.6.. this is a low water and low rain though.. It's a lovely stretch though.. you can sit on the front of the boat and watch the fish below as the water is clear! Stop at the locks inn too at Geldestone.. Best pub on the broads.
  14. I think Eric has well and truly top trumped us all, A real broads addict there! We can get to Norwich in about 2.5 hours on a good day (although we leave very early) coming back though it seems to take most of the day as we just don't want to rush home
  15. JawsOrca


    and welcome from me
  16. Welcome to the forum and i hope are ready to catch the broads bug! there is no cure have a brilliant trip
  17. A whoopsy day today.. Orca has a hole in the hull! God only knows how someone managed that.. thankfully we did know it was there when we got the boat, although its made a mess! It looks like someone has got it stuck on a angle iron at some point and botched a repair of it, as usual, badly.. It will be a bit of a work to fix but we started already.. we flooded the bilges (on purpose) to clean it and remove the cardboard core and cut an access panel in the internal floor to gain access.. the hole will get much bigger we believe until we struggle to find strong material but it won't delay us and we aren't too concerned.. (just more work I'll keep people updated... Other bits today (we had daves mum with us).. I gave up on the leg (no i really mean finished) and daves mum put the first coat of 2 pack epoxy (Hemple Light Primer) on... (sorry we didn't get pictures).. I scraped about a 1/2 of the hull antifoul (This is bit when you will hear me screaming.. "we do not need a bigger boat" although it was a nice day and there no weeds on its new hardstanding spot.. its cleaning up ok and will just need a pressure wash and then underwater primer.. this was then when we decided to take the patch off and see whats underneath (like you do!). Nice to get paint on the sterndrive but its a shame about the hole, certainly feels like a one step forward and 2 steps back day (although at least shes not timber!!).
  18. Welcome aboard everyone. I'm on the other forums but this one feels like home
  19. I think it's nice to see more virtual faces although I am struggling to keep up with all the posts! but certainly the more the merrier! Iain it was very tight! There were words spoken that if she didn't fit in the hoist we would have to pay for a crane.. (My scottish heritage came out then with a suitable response!! and it fitted!).. we had to drive the hoist in and reposition acros and all sorts but it made it and it is nice to know she fits (reasonably comfortably) as so we can vacate by sea (and perhaps come to norfolk by sea!).. Looking forward to chilling now though and getting back to work (although we have been promised our old spot back!)
  20. The last week has been a bit stressfull/annoying as the yacht club where the boat is currently, needs to raise the land and we were told to move it today .. problem being Orca came in by hiab and was going out by hiab! The club does have a travel hoist but its tiny (Plus we came in via hiab lorry!), it's wheels are only 8 feet apart and orca is the usual 10feet 6.. plus its only 10feet 8 wide at best so we wasnt sure we would fit in it.. some careful driving and it did make it and we have been moved to a corner, well out the way of the work... that does mean that we can launch into the water and do sea trials if we want to (not sure if we will but its good to know). We also got roped into moving a few other boats so we are both exhausted! I did manage to get the transom plate all ready for painting which we will do tomorrow so I'll take some pictures
  21. Two swing bridges would have been better! although don't the broads ones always get stuck closed or are the operators just being lazy?
  22. I'm not sure if this helps: http://www.digitaluk.co.uk/coveragechecker/manual_retuning Looks like it still works out which service your get from the transmitters so I guess you need to be within reach of the regional transmitter to pick it up... so maybe no Anglia in london without Sky...
  23. Railway people are soo selfish although at least they made the "bypass".. I've resigned myself that I will never visit thorpe by boat...
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