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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Hi Jeff, I've reworded slightly.. We mean the calender will be produced in the autumn (this year) ready to be proudly hung on your walls for January 2016.
  2. No as it's our first (As far as I know) I'd say it's ok that they are a few years old..
  3. Congrats from me too Robin. Hopefully you will now get loads more time afloat and it will feel even more special on your own boat. Hopefully catch you on the rivers one day soon too. I've not seen B.A yet!
  4. and from me! Thanks too for the post. Sadly I think we will miss this although hopefully we will at least see one year. Good luck to all participants! Hope you have a brilliant day!
  5. I'd second what Dave (dajen said) or Iains.. Or Loddon -> Norwich -> Surlingham broad (Brundall) (if they want a shorter run).
  6. Thanks Pie.. I think you make a good point there and answer the question of who (and why) to call..
  7. Sounds good I'm going north shortly!! Side on in Ranworth here we come!
  8. It's OK Boats have been getting stuck on Breydon so that negative will kick in soon...
  9. Terry you mean you got the Alpha off?? Well done if so Hope all is good...
  10. That looks a bit hard there though Peter? We do it a lot here on the medway although it's a bit softer so even a bilge keeler can do it here! Some of the best nights sleep I've had have been sitting on the mud .. Having done it at Breydon.. can we do it without getting everyone all excited? (I don't mind the stares and the forum posts as it will be worth it!!)
  11. Outside of the broads it's actually quite normal for people to take to the soft mud for a number of reasons. Including; doing repairs/maintenance to stern drives (You put a flat board on the mud and you can walk on it without sinking - Not that I recommend trying though) (even antifouling and changing seacocks), to doing a bit of sunbathing and even getting a nice nights sleep. I guess it's probably discouraged on breydon because it's a RSPB nature reserve (and seems that everyone panics), so although these hirers have clearly messed up the other picture floating around of a private craft could just be relaxing.. . Breydon is a lovely spot and I would love to spend a couple of hours laid back enjoying it, instead of rushing through... (one day lol ).
  12. I think it's a good idea to respect "no mooring signs" and don't moor then unless it's an emergency and even then it's better to stay on the boat and not go walking around. Also is a good idea is to do all we can to pay the private land owners the mooring fee.. We was chatting to the land owner in thurne (The farm side).. she missed us when we came round to collect as we was erm in the pub (hic).. we went into the farmhouse to pay the following morning and she was surprises as no one ever does That way hopefully land owners will become more open to allowing moorings. P.s thats a general comment in passing not aimed at any members
  13. Update on my early reluctance towards the Bridge Inn at Acle.. We did manage to get in there for lunch (actually I think we have even been in the again after).. Lunch was brilliant.. Free side of chips was unexpected. Service was good too.. even served us drinks at the table even though we was in the bar area.. So yup highly recommended.. they certainly seemed unfazed by the administrators so fingers crossed they end up being owned by someone who deserves them.
  14. We have one on Orca in the loo. We've put it on vent out though and it does work well. It holds a good charge and works most of the day.. As Jonathan mentioned you do want to be able to turn it off as it will keep you awake... Also the switch (Unless you change) is switchable from inside so you can't put a louvre vent on. It did well on the BSC ventilation calculations too.
  15. Pictures like this remind me why we went for a plastic boat... Good luck... Looks like the boat is in the best hands though
  16. Do you mean termites doug? Look like a ton of work.. gulp
  17. Car said 33dc in Crawley, W.sussex .. although it is crawley..
  18. Should be ok.. it's the ratings that matter though i.e 10/40 etc ..which you will have to google though unless someone comes along with the rating
  19. Thanks HembysPie I think that's what i'm trying to say.. we all need a rough plan.. Sadly as you say if we are on any boat and have no signal either VHF or Mobile then you need to move to somewhere which has one. But where to is another problem. Do you know what range the inshore lifeboats have? (are you part of the crew by any change?) to the forum from me too
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