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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. I have several favorites and this is one of them:
  2. The fireworks were spectacular! A good Gala Day, a pity that so many of you missed it!
  3. The Railways Act is quite clear on this matter: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Vict/26-27/92 Seems that the railways company can be fined £20.00 for holding a vessel up beyond a specified period. Strikes me that folk should start demanding said twenty quids.
  4. That's provided Mr Headlight Man hasn't done his dastardly deed! By the way, some one time brilliant white objects do have an unhealthy algae green palour thus making 'em hard to see! Such objects tend to be only 27' long though.
  5. No probs with anchor lights, will have one myself! You & others enjoy the display too.
  6. Oi, hands off our third crossing, we've waited generations for that! David Cameron, when he was PM, promised us a third crossing and we all know that we can trust an MP's promises, especially in the run up to an election. Personally I favour a tunnel under Oulton Broad.
  7. Bank Holiday Monday and great fun it tends to be! Big PLEA though, please don't turn on your spot lights and the like, darn things instantly kill other folk's night sight.
  8. !00 miles going one way, 100 miles coming back equals 200 miles! Misleading marketing regarding the Broads is nothing new. Questionable then, questionable now. By the way, the Broads is shrinking, depth wise!!
  9. What I would want to know, before putting in an offer. is what are the engine hours? Perhaps they are finely admitting that they got it wrong, good boat but not for the job in hand, like what us experts thought from day one!
  10. Agreed. Mind you I have disposed of a kayak and a rubber dinghy in my grey bin by cutting them into small bits having been told I would have to take them to a scrapyard as they were 'motoring'.
  11. My non recyclable bin last week was left un-emptied and when I phoned to complain I was told it was because it had builder's rubble in it. Really? I'm no builder but I had picked up three small bits of concrete from the road outside my house, all picked up with one hand, and disposed of in my bin, it seemed to me to be the right and decent thing to do. I explained that to the articulate gentleman who'd taken my phone call but to no avail, I must take it to the local council tip. Our local tip is the absolute pinnacle of appalling customer management & fine if you have a hour or more to sit in a queue so what should I do? I know, fly tip or better still dispose of it in those handy bins at the Yacht Station. I have every sympathy for those of who abuse the present system, the system itself being patently at fault in that it does not cater for the needs of us as human beings, at least to my way of thinking. Granted that we shouldn't abuse the system but there are occasions when that system does not cater for the very people for whom it was created. No excuse, I know, but perhaps understandable.
  12. Was what Smoggy wrote but it went astray & try as I could I could not edit my previous post.
  13. But I wish that they wouldn't! I think that I prefer the non health benefits of the dreaded blue haze to the cursed buffeting of inconsiderate wash!
  14. I believe that the Haven/South Town Bridge is either inoperable or very limited opening at the moment, unreliable at best.
  15. If you want to go to sea from Brundall then you will be wholly dependent on aged and unreliable bridges, such as Reedham, Somerleyton and Southtown at Gt Yarmouth.
  16. The same can be said of Lowestoft, and it's much nearer the sea.
  17. Where have I heard that before!! (Nice one, Vanessa!) Next thing will be a call to drop the football and cricket close seasons!
  18. All praise to the Authority for proving a convenient convenience for sailors caught short in the North Bay during Oulton Week. A new meaning for BNP!
  19. Re dredging in the North Bay, no problem to yours truly but where is the dredger? Never heard a thing, perhaps the private 'boathouse party' in the North Bay drowned it out!
  20. Must admit that it got me! Perhaps up towards Geldeston?
  21. and is deeply involved with self flagellation!
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