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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/new-chairman-and-vice-chairman-elected-for-the-broads-authority?fbclid=IwAR3OzdYfZiyEB7RRBhYO7LhWXUcfyZY69k6ZX24QOdwW6bfaSDajU8WoZYM
  2. I've often thought of purposefully grounding on Breydon, perhaps half hour after high water. Problem, as I see it, would be that some well meaning individual would phone up the Coast Guard and all hell would break lose with the ghost of the Spirit of Breydon hovering in the deeper water and the Air-Sea rescue helicopter hovering above. Don't know that they would appreciate me yelling 'sod off, I'm bird watching'!
  3. An amazing story! Why the fire engine? Whoever called that out should pay the bill. Surprised that the lifeboat and helicopter weren't also called out.
  4. A boat that will go under Potter Heigham Bridge, lucky you, it's lovely up there! P.S. A classic Shetland, lovely!
  5. JennyMorgan


    Apart from when cooking your famous 'full English plus'!
  6. Undoubtedly it has, indeed as kids we spent a good proportion of our summer holidays swimming in the Broads, that was when we weren't fishing or sailing. But that was then, what of today? Education, education and yet more education.
  7. A wise move by the BA. Had the wreck sunk whilst on passage then I rather suspect that her removal would have been quite costly and subsequently a burden on the toll payer.
  8. JennyMorgan


    When showing off?
  9. JennyMorgan


    Pauline, did you tie it like this?
  10. Tom, just a thought, with the much publicised Waveney Swim is there not now a risk of mixed messages being put out? No easy answer to this one as responsible, organised swimming needn't be a problem, right time and right place, but clearly wider education is needed, especially in schools. I lost a family friend a few years ago whilst 'wild water' swimming and boating near Bungay so I do have some concerns on this one. Outside the BA navigation area but still relevant. https://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/drowning-mother-saved-her-son-s-life-1-508612
  11. Went swimming yesterday, should have taken my rubber duck and soap on a rope because the water was more than warm! However, some folk are causing problems. I went alongside the floating jetty at the Oulton Broad Yacht Club on Thursday, as I manouvered my dory alongside two youngsters ran along the jetty and bombed into the water either side of my running outboard, one so close that he actually slapped the top of the engine as he hit the water. It all happened so fast that there was nothing that I could do but thankfully my engine was in neutral otherwise it could have been awful. I told the boy that he was an idiot and inevitably received a foul mouth rebuke. I then told him that he was also an idiot for not accepting sound advice in regard to his safety. I lifted the engine to show him the prop which I then put in gear. He did not know that outboards had props! Later a BA Ranger was on the Broad for the speedboats so I went over for a mardle and mentioned the incident. Friendly bloke, as most are, who then went on to tell me that swimmers were jumping off the Beccles bypass bridge, an eighteen foot drop into the water. Unwise but in itself not a major problem but apparently there was absolutely no thought for boats passing under the bridge and the obvious risks of landing on one! Interesting article here: https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/swimmers-ignoring-water-safety-warnings-face-court-action-and-fines-1-6184585?fbclid=IwAR01xhY-7Dh-3e9BLwVdruuJJFjXWuRMMWl-_Ok33jQNtmzhDZGvVTaSB2c
  12. No, next door yard. Excelsior as in the sail-training restored ex Lowestoft sailing trawler. http://www.theexcelsiortrust.co.uk/our-ship/excelsior-lt472
  13. And is now being very thoroughly rebuilt by Jamie Campbell at the Excelsior Yard on Lake Lothing.
  14. Let's hope so but as things are I rather fear that that is unlikely. Indeed I see a hardening division amongst members. Reports suggest that the process by which the 'preferred' candidate was elected left a great deal to be desired.
  15. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/bill-dickson-elected-new-broads-authority-chairman-1-6183839?fbclid=IwAR1leKEfnZ7qS91G1kCfy3yDGveGAErupuq8OceUF0Ydupb1dc8EpfGa21A
  16. It gets dafter in that planning conditions, after the last planning furour, require that all boats are to be removed from the lagoon. Presumably that excludes sunk boats.
  17. Steak and ale pie; decent, beer battered cod & chips;' proper' ploughmans without meaningless trimmings; proper bangers and mash (not creamed or pulverised); top notch hot dogs and clean chips; Caribbean style jerk beef or whatever; beef wellington followed by a decent apple pie and custard, that makes me a happy chappy! Top of the list, a decent pint and a decent ploughmans, not too much to ask, is it?
  18. Over the next day or two my wife and I do plan to visit, and make up our own minds. However, what is clear is that the Locks is no longer the unique, quintessential Broads pub that it once was. Granted that after Green Jack was forced out the pub did start to go downhill. Yes, there was a clique that used to hog the bar but they always gave way if pushed but that aside we went there, took overseas guests and friends there because the Locks was the pub that it was. I would like to think that we shall feel that we can continue to do so. Perhaps it was something of a time warp but we liked it that way. As for squeezing oranges at the bar when there is a queue gasping for a pint, how pretentious can you get? Grain beers are nothing special, unlike Green Jack. Good beer, good pub food, adequate toilets even if a tad aromatic, a few cobwebs and sympathetic management, it's not rocket science. We shall see!
  19. Mutford railway bridge at Oulton Broad also had two red flags flying today.
  20. JennyMorgan


    Des a couple of summers ago. Haven't a clue who the decaying old git is besides him! Des is an interesting and wise old man, doesn't miss much! Glad to read that he's still up and running, ace bloke.
  21. Thank you, Tom. Will hold you to that!! The African Queen's struggle was nothing compared to our journey but the grandkids loved the adventure, disappointed that there were no alligators though. Perhaps the Authority could provide a few?
  22. JennyMorgan


    It's all in here, folks, read and inwardly digest by next Thursday! https://www.liendoanaulac.org/space/references/training/Ashley_Book_Knots.pdf
  23. Anyway, back to boats, can't compare with the M25 but there is no question that large marine engines do kick out a hefty cloud of unpleasantness and it can and does lay on the water between the reeds on the bank. Unlike roads there is little or not much passing, high speed traffic to disperse it so yes, there is a problem, in my humble opinion.
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