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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. That's twelve sold then! Thanks, we are on a roll!
  2. Mark, when we have 13 cracking pictures and expressions of intent from 25 prospective buyers. By the way, thanks for the show of confidence.
  3. As an afterthought I think we need to look for a minimum print run of 25. Pictures for selection to be posted on this thread by mid October, the editor's decision is final, deal? Iain & Mark, thanks for starting the ball rolling.
  4. Alan, re Broadland pubs and the like, great idea, maybe a bit late for this year though. Perhaps an idea that we can sell next summer as we tour the Broads pubs.
  5. Mark, your first & last pictures are crackers, in my honest opinion. Surely we need a cracker of a calendar that captures the essence of the Broads. If we want them for that near the end of the year, as yet unmentionable festival of debauchery and excess then we need to get a crack on. I'm sure that many of you have files crammed with pictures, you don't need to take any especially for our calendar, so start delving, NOW! What makes a good picture? Lighting and mood, composition and impact, interest and subject, easy. Look for pictures that grab you by the short & curlies, pictures that scream 'The Broads'! That said, it doesn't have to include wherries, sailing boats, wind-pumps, children in red anoraks, dogs or blonds, they are just bonus features!! This project is for you, the members.
  6. Hi Kadensa, I suspect that I know what you mean, perhaps you have a snap or two that we could consider. Me, I might be a long term chocolate box photographer but I'm a pictorial rebel at heart! I think it inevitable that there will be a sunset or two but we need twelve shots so something for most folk. What do people want? Come on, submit! I can always correct crooked horizons so get snapping and choose your best. Sorry, Kadensa, but this one is both a cliched sunset AND a dreaded sailing boat but thankfully I've avoided a wind-pump!!
  7. When my 36 year old two stroke Mercury finally died last year I bought another Mercury, this time a four stroke. So far I am over the moon with it, primarily because it runs so quietly, wonderful!
  8. Maybe a subject for another thread but I have seen some horrific corrosion to the underwater parts of outboards that their owners have left in the 'down' position whilst moored in marinas.
  9. Exactly what I had in mind, sorry that I didn't make that clear.
  10. Realistically, I suppose, a tenner a calendar to include p&p, surpluses to go to a deserving charity perhaps. I agree, the competition route is not the route I would wish to take. However I do suggest one picture per contributor, that way we sell twelve calendars! 12 iconic Broads pictures from 12 different photographers, easy! Whatever, I'm open to ideas and comments.
  11. I would very seriously considering hiring, as Clive has suggested. £3,000.00 per year to own and run a small cruiser is probably not that far off the mark. In reality you might get eight weekends per year and maybe two weeks holiday out of your boat. Sounds great, £300.00 per trip, but it doesn't end there. My daughter lives and works in London with her husband. It costs them £70.00 there and back so thats £700.00 travelling per year. As someone has already said, you do the maths. Judging by the number of green boats on the Broads the cost of travelling is a real kill.
  12. I had VistaPrint do some calendars for me a year or two back & they were really excellent. About £150.00 for 25 but that's no profit to the forum. I'd be happy enough to put something together but I would want cash with order. Oh, and 13 good pictures!
  13. Is it feasible? Is it desirable? Anyone interested? I appreciate that we are not the largest forum in the world but we don't need a huge print run.
  14. That's where the quant or oars come in! Then of course you can kedge, sail or, heaven forbid, work the tides!! As a youngster two of us rowed up the Waveney, out to sea at Yarmouth and down the coast to Lowestoft, from one side of Mutford Lock to the other. I'm not sure if the greater propulsion came from the oars or the tide but it just goes to show just how important, and useful, the tide is.
  15. And in a nice friendly manner, life is good!
  16. Okay, so landscape interpretation was inspired by Hitler! The thread has now reached the pinnacle of discussion. Yes, I am a cynic!
  17. Those blessed interpretation boards are a clue. Those intrusive things are popping up across Broadland, at great expense, designed by the intelligentsia to show their superiority to us mere plebeians. Yes, I do read them, but why on earth do they wish to clutter the countryside with the blessed things. The only positive side of it is that it keeps otherwise unemployed folk in employment, the classic non job. I too am an old cynic but the this landscape interpretation lark is costing us all dearly, indeed, and I admit it, it does make me cross.
  18. http://www.bymnews.com/news/newsDetails.php?id=138079
  19. Excellent free slipway at Oulton Broad, ideal for a twenty footer. Good slipway, chargeable, at Burgh St Peters down at the Waveney River Centre, so coming South away from the bloodbath of the North Rivers is always an option.
  20. One pint can last me hours! I don't mind paying but I don't like being ripped off and a tenner with no discount for a meal, in my view, is just that. As has been said, car parks are provided for 'free'.
  21. This time it's about speedboats: http://www.lobmbc.org.uk/#/club-history/4553642769
  22. Here's one about a local class boat, the Waveney One Design: http://www.wobyc.myzen.co.uk/page12a.html
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