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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Hopefully you will take a camera and share your day with those unable to partake.
  2. The sky is azure blue, not a cloud in sight, the wind is nil, perfect for motorboats, you have my permission to disappear, at least until eight o'clock this evening.
  3. I can only guess that they are responsible people wishing to protect both their staff and the well being of their investment?
  4. Perhaps they didn't wish to stand out as a crowd!
  5. Unless someone crashes the gears!
  6. You'll upset the 'Gingers', especially square ones!
  7. The church at Burgh St Peter contains Roman brick and stonework, will that now be dismantled? Burgh Castle itself was a Roman garrison, presumably built with slave labour, will that now be demolished? Gt Yarmouth has a monument dedicated to Nelson, will that now be flattened? Will Churchill car insurance have to change its name? The whole who-ha has now descended into farce. I have no argument with the original intent of BLM but the movement has unfortunately been hijacked. No one can unto history. As for new statues in Norfolk, perhaps Joyce Lambert?
  8. Conservation by exclusion and planned neglect?
  9. But would they? We have all come across human waste on the river bank where day-boat users have been caught short and doubtless sticky fingers will have touched much of a boat's interior, it's how it is. Perhaps temperature checks before picking up a boat might be an option. Whatever, whilst many won't worry, I would. The obvious requirements for a deep clean will be a handicap for the hire-boat industry, whether for hourly or weekly lets. It will also be a barrier for many potential hirers. No disrespect for the work done by the unsung heroes, the boat cleaners, but perhaps fumigation and or steam cleaning is a way forward. Perhaps even syndicate boats will share this problem, at least to a degree. Seems that MM & myself both see the problem, therefore it must be a valid concern!
  10. As a last resort you could always manipulate the system and advantageously re-brand your boat, all the best people do it!
  11. With respect to Germany I was there during the 1960's, a time when that country was still coming to terms with it's then recent history. As I was soon to realise the children were not responsible for the sins of their fathers. Since that time I have grown to admire the way Germany has coped with what is sometimes politely referred to as their negative history.
  12. Hi Andrew, have you built any Broads boats yet? Photos are always appreciated!
  13. Agreed, so why are we even discussing it?
  14. The Non Existent BNP, but that is not the topic of this thread.
  15. Politics and religion are taboo topics, generally best avoided in public discussion. Perhaps to that we should add racism.
  16. Poppy, you might find this F/B group both relevant and interesting. Broads sailing has a lot to answer for! https://www.facebook.com/groups/680721622296028/ There is another F/B group, this one based on the Broads raters & the C Class, worth searching out. Both groups courtesy of 'Old Frank'.
  17. Some of those with a gluten intolerance might not agree with you!
  18. It could have an opening section! Hopefully a push-pit would make it easier to stay onboard.
  19. Quite true, I had read the link information which states children, I should have read the actual page. If I were on the market for a 'love boat', just my wife and I, no grandchildren, then I would be seriously tempted, but I would insist on a stern rail with a timber capping that would allow one or both of us to perch on whist being out in the sun. As for accessing the foredeck, I agree with Chris. My use would require that she would be safe as a family dayboat, so whilst being tempted, I do see problems. Am I right, there doesn't appear to be a forehatch? That I would want both accessing the foredeck but also as a fire-escape.
  20. No 'push-pit, handrail around the stern deck, arghhhh, an accident waiting to happen, surely. Especially where children are concerned.
  21. Gingers will be forced out into the open!
  22. But is Southwold gaining the money? Perhaps a little but most of Southwold is shut up. My immediate neighbour has a normally popular food shop in Southwold and she tells me that at the moment she is just about holding her own but no more than that, despite the thronging crowds when the sun shines.
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