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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. This chap is the problem ,the land owners dont like him and see him as the problem .They have always restricted access. My feeling is if he was to go ,access across there land would ease.
  2. Think I agree. I've said many times before always our first stop from Brundall hesdingnorth.Many a great evening planning our holiday over a meal and a drink.
  3. When I was at Abbey road,a America production team were doing a series of British great .Elton John, Ringo others that I cant remember and Dame Vera.Most were interview at the studio, Dame Vara at her house. The lady organising the interview, said how nice she was,putting them at ease and very polite and friendly she was.
  4. It seems levels of scams are on the increase. This scam seems to be doing the rounds in the bexley ,Belvedere and Dartford.
  5. John and Tracy are still at Brundall, we often see them about.I just wish I was ten years younger I may well have had a go at the pub.If its going to be up and running, will have a look but not hopeful it will be a success. Hope I'm wrong.
  6. News just in sadly Dame Vera has passed away at the age of 103. Theres often praise throw about some at people in public life. Dame Vera was truly a star and a inspiration to the Armed forces during WW2 and indeed to all of us in times of trouble. She was recently seen in the VE day celebrations.And I think I correct in saying she was the oldest person to have a Number one record recently in the re released we're meet again. RIP Dame Vera.No doubt now singing with the Angels.
  7. Thought this scam had Finnished. Last night another chap turned up asking for the parcel.Sent him away also.Marina spoke with the Police.A Police man came round just now taking more details.Thankfully they now have the unwanted parcel. So whoever's is responsible are welcome to collect the parcel from Bexleyheath Police station.
  8. Bear with me I will try to put the link on for my page; https://big100-2020.everydayhero.com/uk/ian
  9. Sorry to hear your news.Just make plans we you can get back on the boat.
  10. Or Wroxham bridge waiting for boats to bump the bridge.
  11. Last night I signed up for the Big 100,In aid of the British lung foundation. The aim is to walk 100k in July.Those that are very fit may will active that in a few days.My aim is to attempt 3k a day.I want to raise 500 pounds at the least. This is perhaps going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done.My reasons are simple, I have a lung condition and this Virus affects the lungs of those that catch it. I will put on here later my page and details if anyone wishes to sponsor me. Thanks Ian.
  12. I agree Chris. Marina and I had two trips on Centaur,Thames sailing barge from Maldon and Ipswich about eight years back.We had a great time,Would recommend it to anyone, however it's very friendly .Marina and I had a private cabin there were also a mens cabin and a womans cabin.There was about 10 of us,a skipper,first and second mate.We shared ,cooking,cleaning crewing etc.Think it would be hard to keep six feet apart.When it's safe,if you've never been give it a try.They also do day trips out of Whitstable.
  13. Me too very sad to hear this. I fear there may be others that will also go out of business. I wish you all the very best Andy.
  14. Just getting ready to start on the living and dining rooms.Will take about two weeks to repaint.Thats been the good thing about being off for the last 12 weeks.That will leave just the hall and stairs.Hope to do that by year end.Next month I may take part in the 100k in aid of the British lung foundation. Hopefully I will sign up in the next few days.
  15. My guess some people wrongly give it back or even pay for the thing.My guess there stolen. Marina spoke to a few people, and they said they would have given it back.I've said before but worth repeating. In any time scams are the lowest of the low,but in this dreadful time it's even worse .I hope they are caught and thrown in Prison.
  16. None of this is genuine the mobile number was false and 02 did not send it to Marina.Taking with the Police this is a scam no doubt about it.
  17. John thanks,I've posted here since off work,I've re painted two bedrooms. Tomorrow I will start on our living and dining rooms.We still aim to move next spring or summer.As I've said the possibility of a vaccine at present is slim,I get it.I've said before most of my life used to taking chances. I just want to increase my odds.The other thing playing on my mind is my work,80% of us in my department will more then likely be out of work.I have 11 months until I can retire it feels so close yet so far.I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me,just to perhaps get a understanding what it's like to shield and the risk of this disease. It worries me when Marina goes to the shop in case she gets it.Thankfully the numbers are coming down,but still.need to drop down to a more manageable level.
  18. The simple fact at present I'm not allowed to do much.I can go out once a day ,yesterday I walked around the block. This was the furthest I'd been in three months. I am seriously Considering taking part in the 100k walk in aid of the British lung foundation. The walk is over all of July.I am well aware the time will come when I have to be out more,but at present as I said like many at very high risk have to be shielded. Like many I hope for a vaccine.Fully aware that's s long shot.Theres no doubt my risk of catching it has reduced considerably. My Hope's are the same as everyone. Simple,let's get the number of infections down and life returning to something close to normal. It's not my intention to depress anyone,but I won't sugarcoat my thoughts on this dreadful disease.
  19. Many are right in there hope for us to talk more about the broads rather then this virus. I too share that hope,but often this dreadful disease takes a grip on us.If I turned the clock back to this time last year,we were getting ready to visit Berlin.The weather was hot and what a great holiday it was.Jump forward to December early January. Have you heard of this virus in China it seems very serious. No I said,sure it wont be that bad.How wrong I was.In all my life I've taken risks,sometime later I've stopped and thought perhaps I shouldn't have done that that did it anyway.At present I cant see a way out of this and personally I worry that I will remain shielded next month also.I just want to be able to move more freely and yes go up to the boat.Forgive me I'm in a small unfortunate group of about two million people that are shielding unable to do much. Fully understand the reasons why and have accepted why.However it's far from easy.Theres much talk about mental health and how the lockdown is making it worse for some.Many times in the past three months reporters have mentioned mental health, with in my opinion very little understanding of what's it's like to suffer the brown dog or worse still the black dog.I suffered a mental breakdown 15 odd years ago,I was helped to pull through it by the family, I stopped smoking, cut down on drinking and turned the corner. This unholy dreadful disease has cost the lives of over 40 thousand . Many more that have life changing conditions that may take years to overcome, many people that have life threatening illnesses that go untreated, so 40 thousand plus died and god knows how many more died or that have not had treatment .We are in a world that's been turned upside down.Yes I'm lucky I'm alive and in fairly good life.Can life be better or is this how life will be.Cant help but feel annoyed ,we have worked hard and now after almost 50 years working we should enjoy what time left.Theres no magic bullet for COPD it will kill me in time,I'm just trying to keep the odds in my favour. Let's hope we will come out of this madness soon,my hope as a society we will be stronger be more understanding of others,accept that we cant all go round with a smile on our face all the time.So sorry if I'm down,being unable to do much for over three months is far from easy the sooner I can get back to s normal life the better. Remember ALL lives matter
  20. To this day Marina still had the odd glass of port and lemon.Funny when we go to some pubs,the young staff dont have a clue how to do a p&l.We've even been abroad and got them to do us a port and lemon.Well remember snow balls.Theres many drinks from the sixties and seventies that have fallen out of fashion.
  21. When I worked for the bank our wines were the very best.This is where I was lucky to taste some of the best wines in the world now and again they would sort out some of the wines.We had very good ports,1947 and 1955,always had my eye on that one the year of my birth.Would have to keep it away from Marina, she would only put lemonade in it.Then I wouldn't be responsible for my actions!
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