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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I think if it happens it will be like the flu jab and will change every year.
  2. I am not far off retirement, May next year.What this has done for me is to reassess life.Its given me and Marina the chance to sort the house out.I've re painted two bedrooms ,hope to do living and dining room soon.I consider it preparation for retirement. Money is a concern, I may soon be out of a job.After weeks I've only just started going out for a walk,once a day.Still not allowed to visit shops or anywhere else until at least next month. If the rates of infection and deaths remain at these levels.My feeling is little for me will change next month. That's why I get annoyed when I see so many peoples gathering with little regard to social distancing. I'm concerned that rates will raise again.
  3. Theres just been an item on BBC breakfast, about Rhodes statue in Oxford. There was two people they spoke to, both black.Nothing wrong with that,but they both had the same opinion about that and other statues. Both want them taken down.As I said theres a danger our history will be re written if that happens. leave statues there but make it clear why they are there.Taking statues down will do little to solve this problem. What is also concerning yet again the BBC having two people discussing this item with very little balance. The only slight balance the young lady thought there should be a discussion regarding the Rhodes statue be taken down,but she said it should come down.
  4. I can't help but think I've heard this all before. So much nonsense flying around. Think much of this will not improve the cause of equality, it may well make matters worse.Now is not the time to re write history.A black historian put it very well He said leave the statues where they are,but explain why there there.In fifty years time people will forget what these people did and some racists will be placed with that.He pointed out the the Colosseum in Rome was about slaves being killed by Roman's should that be pulled down.The same could be said about the pyramids built by slave labour. Should we as a society allow a mob to change history without ,going through proper discussions?We are a democratic country we hold that close to our heart.Must not be governed by a small group.To allow otherwise is very dangerous.
  5. It wouldn't have been Belmarsh inmates 21 plus.
  6. Belmarsh or the Young offenders prison? That was not there in my time Belmarsh 21 years plus.
  7. When I first became a member the Governor didn't agree with giving us keys ,Governor s that took he's place did.We had access to all parts of the prison, We always reported in to officers when on the wing,asking questions regarding all sorts of things,then just go where we wanted to.Dont think we were involved in Broadmoor.Oddly we had one female inmate in Belmarsh once.A senior member of the IRA on route to I think the Old Bailey.If I remember for one night. Single cell in a area of the prison on her own.
  8. I spent nearly 14 years in Belmarsh. I had keys to get out mind. I was a member of the BOV later to become the IMB.I was appointed by the Home office.As someone working in the community showing a interest in the building of the Prison, the then Chief executive of Thamesmead Town put me forward to be a member of the Board of Vistors.I attended a meeting with the Governor of the prison. I remember he asked if I knew much about prison. No was the answer. He said that not uncommon ,most people only thought no porridge on tv.He took me round the prison which was at that time fully stuffed,without prisoners.Pleased to sai I was appointed. Belmarsh is a local cat A prison the first to be built in London in the 20 century. People landing up inside range for any males from shop lifters to terrorists, murders,mostly on remand .Most of which if sentence would then transfer to other prisons.often high profile cases ,terrorists, drug gang members ,would be in Belmarsh. Being a local prison,inmates would got courts in central London,sometimes Woolwich crown court.Our role was to have a board meeting once a month with the Governor and he's staff,taking applications from inmates,dealing with there inquiry's and or complaint, taking to staff.If there was any trouble in the prison we would go in to observe and report. We also compiled a Annual report to the Home secretary. We also carried out weekly visits covering the whole prison,meaning 52 weeks a year.Belmarsh being a large prison almost 1000 inmates there was 21 members. I enjoyed my time in the prison.I started out as a member,then membership sec, Vice Chair then Chairman.Very interesting ,often meeting all sorts from small time criminals, murderer's and terrorists. I only felt nervous once.I was with one of the Governors, when we went to meet a very dangerous terrorist. When we got to he's cell the Governor took he's glasses off.I thought this may not end well.The Governors taked the inmate down so ended fine.I left Belmarsh in 2005,as Chairman I would spend alot of my time in the prison, I was also a director of Thamead Town,plus working for a living, I started to reduce my voluntary work.That said very worthwhile interesting part of my life. A glass and stand ,I and anyone that had worked or involved in the prison for the first ten years.Something I'm very proud of. My name badges and my whistle. Also good to poke the bad guy in the eye if no other choice. If anyone interested in more info give me a pm
  9. Batteries are a problem, we've had ours checked thankfully they are in working order.To replace they are expensive.
  10. When this first started ,I was told because of my COPD,I could only get sick pay £94 per week.There was myself and one other chef who is having treatment for Cancer.We challenged that decision and after a few weeks,they then furloughed us on 80% wages.That is still the case.We will continue to be furloughed until the end of next month.The 20% retained may well be on part time and or job share. More details to follow. We have one to ones in the next week or so and we should know the outcome by the end of the month or so.I'm just looking for the best outcome available.
  11. This follows a common thread some will round on a figure of our history,and blame them for something that is not true.They knowledge of history is poor to say the least. Also now lots of jumping on the bandwagon,including high profile celebs.They would gain more respect if they encourage discussions with government,national and local.Not just point the finger.Its worrying many politicians have not condemned the rent a mob causing all the violence and stupid trouble making.
  12. One thing for sure believe me.Catering ,pubs restaurants have been hit hard.I've posted elsewhere. I may be out of a job.It is a difficult balance between re starting my business and the health of the public and staff.I think contract catering, which is what I do. It will take perhaps years to recover.
  13. Work is another matter,surprisingly the weeks have gone past fairly quickly. This morning we had a Zoom meeting with our boss and her boss.My section will reduce by 80%.My business contract catering has been knocked for six.Not sure how it will recover. Your right health is important ,work is a worry.I hope to be retained or if It comes down to VR a good pay off.Not much I can do about it at present.
  14. Happy birthday.I know the feeling,I hit 65 or now known as lockdown day.I received three texts from the NHS saying I had to stay at home for 12 weeks.
  15. My 12 weeks will now be 14 or so.Up to the end of the month.
  16. As I mentioned before this whole thing has been taken over by the rent a mob.This devalues the true meaning of the protest.Fully agree those that have clearly broken the law.Easy to identify, there photos are on tv and press.They must be charged and face the courts.What is I think unacceptable many very high profile people are almost accepting the mob law breaking. In my opinion organisers need to distance themselves from the out and out law breakers that are just causing trouble for the sake of it.If this continues there cause will loose support amongst the majority of society.
  17. I was 11 years old at the time.What a great game,our tv was black and white.After the match we played the game between houses scoring the winning goals. Then later when I met Marina and we married. Mother in law being a Berliner coming to England in 1947/8.Her uncle used to come over to visit every so often.Often the talk would turn to the match.Of course we would pull he's leg about us beating West Germany. Think they got there own back on us over the years.
  18. Just Finnished painting in our bedroom, another step closer to our move next year.Living and dinning next .I will think about doing that in a few weeks time.
  19. Think you've hit the nail on the head.Pretty sure that was the case last year with climate protesters.The problem then they stir up others.I also think many join in because they think they have to be there,to be in the club.I understand the reasoning behind these protests, but feel strongly this is not the time in the middle of this dreadful virus still killing many,putting not only there lives and others at risk.
  20. Some boat designs leave a lot to be desired. Our old Alpha 29 is a bit like a Tardis. Small on the outside, large on the inside.
  21. Very true,I think in many ways,we sadly live in a throw away society. Someone else will clear up there waste.Whats the reason,I'm not entirely sure.Some of it is a lack of respect and discipline.How many times do we see it on the broads, often sadly as elsewhere.
  22. So was that also the case last weekend, Southend ,Brighton beaches ,beauty spots were packed with very little social distancing. Or was that in another country?
  23. Just to point out the Family of Lee Rigby have asked people not to use he's photos regarding these demonstrations .
  24. Yes many of the photos are taken from a long way away many up close .Sorry this is not the time to crowd together. Demonstration,enjoy the beach etc .All can be done but must be taken with care and safely. What is important is to reduce the spread of this disease as best as we can.People such as my self,about two and a half Million want a near normal life. We are not helped at present by the selfish acts of some.As I said with my condition I face risks each and every day.I've learnt to live with it.I fully understand that soon there will be s point where we have to accept more risks.In the mean time let's reduce the odds against as best we can.
  25. Ray ,yes these demonstrations are spreading in other parts of the country. The same applies for beaches and beauty spots. Its not the time to crowd together. A senior Police officer yesterday quite rightly said these demonstrations are illegal breaking the six person rule.Dont think for a minute that will be taken on board by those taking part.
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